No, autobuild is off.
The indexer block was created to improve
performance. If you have big enough workspace, its indexing at startup or
reindexing can be quite expensive. At the same time user usually is
working on 1-2 project, so it doesn't make sense to wait until they are
indexed. Now the only way to avoid this overhead is to close those
On the other hand I agree that dependency checking
switch doesn't seem to be useful. I based my opinion on the previous version
(implementation with DependencyManager).
I tried to use new version for QNX projects.
Unfortunately its interface is not convenient. That's why checking time for big
project is incredible. The problem is that actually I don't need to get the
list of dependencies, but I just has to detect if source file has to be rebuilt.
Now there is no way to interrupt dependencies collection after it has
been detected that resource was out of time. A sort of visitor technique
could be fine for that. And usually dependency trees for the files in
project are quite similar, so information collected during the
first resource checking can dramatically decrease time for the rest
resources processing.
Alex Chapiro
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, October 09, 2003 9:29
Subject: Re: [cdt-dev] Dependency
cdt-dev-admin@xxxxxxxxxxx wrote on
10/08/2003 11:20:03 AM:
> The delays after file saving for me are
about 30-40c. During this > time main
thread is busy, so I cannot do any UI action. If I > interrupt
main thread, I see that it is running on IndexManajer. >
performConcurrentJob. It means that during sleeps all threads have a >
chance to run, but the main one. >
Do you have autobuild turned on?
> If I add the following line
: >
System.out.println(resource.getLocation().toString() > to AddCompilationUnitToIndex.indexDocument, it prints
after file > saving the names of all workspace files. Does it correct
detection > that it re-index all workspace once again? Could it be a
result of > bug # 44305? >
> About switcher. Of cource there
can be different opinions about this > issue. I think that these two
(dependency checking and indexing) are > different services, though
tightly connected. BTW, I guess that > switching on/off for
indexer has also disappeared..
indexer block was put in place to avoid conflicts between the CTags
indexer and the new indexer (especially
during the development of the new indexer). Once the new indexer reached a level of stability, we took the CTags indexer
out and turned the indexer on for
> > ----- Original Message ----- > From: Bogdan Gheorghe >
To: cdt-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx > Sent: Wednesday,
October 08, 2003 10:31 AM > Subject: Re:
[cdt-dev] Dependency checking > >
> > cdt-dev-admin@xxxxxxxxxxx wrote on 10/07/2003 05:42:03
PM: > > > Hi, > > > > A couple of questions
about dependency checking. For the testing purpose I'm > > using big
workspace and experience essential delays while saving modified > >
file. I realized that: > > - the dependencies update is running in
the main thread > > The dependency service has been folded into
the indexer service > which is running on > its own thread. What
kind of delays are you seeing? The dep/indexer > service runs on
> a low priority thread in the background - it should not cause any
> noticeable delays. > (Unless you are requesting a search/code
complete on an unindexed > project. In this > case you have to
wait for the project to be indexed before continuing.) > > >
- as a part of this procedure indexer is running through all
workspace > > (maybe it doesn't parse all the files from the very
beginning, but it does > > something with all files in the workspace:
it creates new object > > AddFileToIndex for all files in the
workspace, sources, headers, binary > > files, makefiles
etc). > > The indexer reacts to events and always tries to do the
minimal > amount of work. For > example, if you make changes to
a file and save it, the indexer will > add only the changed >
file to index [provided the index is up to date]. The only time the >
indexer will index an > entire project is: i) search request and index
not found or ii) > index corrupted. > > > > If
all this is correct, could it be changed for the sake of performance >
> improvement? > > Besides that, the feature I miss is an ability
to switch dependency checking > > on/off. > > As the
dep service is now part of the indexer (as it is crucial to > keeping
the index up > to date) it can't be turned off without disabling
indexing. > > > > > Alex Chapiro > >
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