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Re: [cdt-dev] Release Notes for CDT 1.2

35960 should be mentioned in the release notes with the following content:
Duplicate file names.
Debugger could fail to find a correct source file if there is more than one file with the same name in the project. The workaround is to build the project using full or relative paths.
I wasn't be able to reproduce 43372 here, so I don't know what is causing the problem.
Mikhail Khodjaiants
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, October 07, 2003 11:46 AM
Subject: [cdt-dev] Release Notes for CDT 1.2

As we've been making decisions recently about which "major" defects to defer to post CDT 1.2, we've mentioned that the issues should be addressed in the release notes.

I have been compiling a list of these issues, captured below. I'm not familiar enough with these issues to compose the content for the release notes myself, but if those that are will provide the content, I'd be happy to collect it all together and produce the notes. As an example, I'm including the release notes html file that was part of the Eclipse 2.1.1 release. Section three (Known Issues) is what I would be looking to produce at a minimum. The other sections of the readme (platforms, compatibility w/ previous releases, running CDT, etc.) would be nice to have but of course would require more time to compose properly.

Example release notes (from Eclipse 2.1.1 release):  


-------------------   LIST OF POTENTIAL RELEASE NOTE ISSUES ------------------------------------------------

43372        cri        P3        PC        Mikhailk@xxxxxxx        twolff@xxxxxxxxxx        REOP        Debug        1.2        ---        Cannot debug managed c++ project
        There is a workaround for this bug, so it is NOT a gating issue. The workaround is to use Eclipse 2.1.1.
This needs to be reflected in the release notes.

44128 maj P3 PC sevoy@xxxxxxxxxx NEW 2.0 spaces in workspace cause dependent managed projects to f...
        Not bad enough to delay the release.

        Should this one be release noted?

44159 maj P3 Oth sevoy@xxxxxxxxxx NEW Cannot change Build properties after renaming project
        This is described as major but not CDT 1.2 gating. The workaround is to restart eclipse. S

        should this be release noted?

35960 maj P3 PC Mikhailk@xxxxxxx NEW 2.0 debugging finds wrong source files
        During triage with QNX, it was decided that this could not get fixed in 1.2, so target was changed to 2.0.
        It was mentioned that it would have doc impact when delivered.

        Should this be release noted?

43051 maj P3 PC aniefer@xxxxxxxxxx NEW 2.0 Search: cannot specify relative search paths
        This was partially fixed for 1.2.

        Should it be release noted?

43815 maj P2 PC sevoy@xxxxxxxxxx NEW 2.0 - Release Cannot Create Project when only CDT+Managed installed
        This was triaged to target = 2.0.

        Should it be release noted?

43021 maj P2 PC jcamelon@xxxxxxxxxx NEW 2.0 - Release Search: cannot find things in stdio.h
        This was triaged to CDT 2.0.

        Should it be release noted?

44154 maj P2 PC gheorghe@xxxxxxxxxx NEW 2.0 subdir.dep not updated if saving including file before in...
        Decided it should not gate the release, was re-targeted to CDT 2.0.

        Should it be release noted?

43642 maj P2 All dschaefe@xxxxxxxxxx NEW 2.0 Current Update Manager unacceptable for new users
        Too risky to address in CDT 1.2, but should DEFINITELY be addressed in the release notes!


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