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Re: [cdt-dev] Test Update Site Created

The only issue though is that if you want to do incremental updates of a particular version you need to keep changing the the version or append the build # to the version some how, but by default I don't think
the generated build script do this.

Douglas Schaefer wrote:

Well, Eclipse never ceases to amaze me. I have created a test update site on the download machine and it makes building and installing a dream. To build, I did the following steps (only the release engineer needs to do this):

1) Created an update site project which created a site.xml file for me.
2) Filled it in with the information about the CDT features.
3) Pressed the Rebuild All button in the site.xml editor. This created all the jar files for the update site. 4) Ftp'd the contents of the project up to the machine.

To try out the install, do the following:

1) Open the update manager available from Help->Software Updates->Update Manager.
2) In the Feature Updates view, create a New->Site bookmark...
3) Pick a name and enter the following URL

4) Open up the new entry and you should get the Eclipse CDT 1.1 category
5) Open that and you should see two entries, one for Source and one for your current platform (e.g. Windows) 6) Select one and in the Preview view select Install Now (or Update Now if you have 1.0.1 installed). 7) Walk through the dialogs, wait for the jars to download and install themselves and say yes to the workbench restart

And you are up and running with a new CDT. I did this build off the current contents of the 1.1 branch. I have lost track of what happened with the freeze build but using the update site should allow you go the freeze testing to get ready for GA.

Let me know if you find anything wrong, especially since I've only tested this in Windows.

Doug Schaefer
Rational Software - IBM Software Group
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
cdt-dev mailing list

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