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[birt-report-engine-dev] BIRTReport Engine in a Portlet

I'm trying to use the BIRTReportEngine API in a portlet.

I have been trying to do this by modifying the servlet example on the web

My problem now is to get a ServletContext from the portlet in order to
create and get an IReportEngine-object.

I know there was an article from Deepa Remesh (Tue, 24 Oct 2006) with the
following subject "Deploying BIRT Report Engine in a portlet ?". Deepa
resolved the problem by casting the portletContext into PortletContextImpl
and called the method getServletContext().

ServletContext sc =

But I get a classCastException by doing this!

Does anyone have an idea what to do?

Or is there any other way to create an IReportEngine in a portlet?

I would appreciate any help.



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