- Summary:
Fix bugzilla bug 190735&191447
- Bugzilla Bug (s) Resolved:
190735[Regression]The parameter of dataset will disappeared after reopen the
191447Repreview the Output Parameters in storedprocedure dataset will
lead the exception
- Description:
Bug 190735: To update datasetHandle’s parameter with
oda.datasetdesign, we cannot use ModelOdaAdapter’s updateDataSetHandle( datasetHandle,odaDesignSession),
since when we leave parameter page, we will start a new design session , it
will cause the lost of parameter definition in model adapter. Revert it into
original call Fix it now!
Bug 191447: The reason is same with 190735, it will lose some parameter
definition if we use modelOdaAdapter’s latest algorithm.
- Tests Description:
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