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[birt-dev] Eclipse BIRT PMC Meeting Minutes - Monday, December 11, 2006
Title: Eclipse BIRT PMC Meeting Minutes - Monday, December 11, 2006
BIRT PMC, 10am Pacific, Monday, December 11, 2006
Wenfeng Li - BIRT PMC Lead - Actuate Corporation (www.actuate.com)
Paul Clenahan - BIRT PMC - Actuate Corporation (www.actuate.com)
Scott Rosenbaum - BIRT PMC - Innovent Solutions (www.innoventsolutions.com)
Jason Weathersby - BIRT PMC - Actuate Corporation (www.actuate.com)
Mike Fox - BIRT PMC - IBM Corporation (www.ibm.com)
Meeting Logistics
Due to travel and vacation schedules, there were no PMC meetings on November 20, November 27 and December 4.
BIRT 2.1.2 Planning
General information: BIRT 2.1.2 is the second maintenance release in the BIRT 2.1 release series. This is a maintenance release to address critical bugs identified by the community. BIRT 2.1.2 is part of the Callisto coordinated maintenance release plan (see http://wiki.eclipse.org/index.php/Callisto_Coordinated_Maintenance).
The Development Plan for BIRT 2.1.2 is now available on the Eclipse BIRT pages (http://www.eclipse.org/birt/phoenix/project/project_plan_R2_1_2.php).
The release is proceeding on schedule and while the target date for the coordinated release is Feb 2007, the BIRT project team we has resolved all outstanding items for this release at this stage. The development team are now focused on BIRT 2.2 development. While we do not currently anticipate additional work, the 2.1.2 release is not yet final since it is part of the coordinated release and additional issues may be reported from the other projects or community that need to be addressed in 2.1.2 for the Feb coordinated release.
For a list of bugs assigned to the release, refer to Bugzilla: https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/buglist.cgi?classification=BIRT&target_milestone=2.1.2
BIRT 2.2 Planning
General information: The next major release of BIRT is BIRT 2.2, scheduled for June 2007 as part of the Europa Simultaneous Release (http://wiki.eclipse.org/index.php/Europa_Simultaneous_Release).
The draft BIRT 2.2 Development Plan has been published for review: http://www.eclipse.org/birt/phoenix/project/project_plan_R2_2_0.php
As previously indicated, not all projects in BIRT 2.2 are committed/staffed yet. We are in the process of research to determine project scope and feasibility for the release.
BIRT 2.2 Milestone 2 was released on November 20 and Jason is working on getting the New and Notable document posted.
The BIRT 2.2 Milestone 4 date has been moved from December 15 to the week of December 25th in order to be able to use the DTP 1.0 final release, rather than an intermediate DTP release.
Note: The M3 designation is being skipped in order to align the numbering with the rest of the Europa projects.
A number of BIRT Project Specifications (BPS) relating to BIRT 2.2 have been posted on the BIRT Wiki. Jason will update the Development Plan with a section that highlights the relevant BPSs.
EclipseCon 2007
A number of proposals have been submitted for talks at EclipseCon 2007 around reporting. The PMC should review the proposals and provide their feedback and comments via EclipseZilla. To see all the submissions:
Note that there are current 10 proposals for Long Talks, and only 5 slots, so the program committee will be looking for feedback on which ones are the best fit for the open source Eclipse community.
Inactive Committers
Over time, the number of Inactive Committers for any project will increase as individuals change jobs, pursue other interests, etc. To avoid a build up of Inactive Committers, other projects have defined a policy for the removal of inactive Committers. The BIRT PMC discussed this and agreed on the following general policy:
After 6+ months of inactivity, we will attempt to send an email to the Inactive Committer letting them know that we would be removing the Committer rights if they remain inactive. It is recognized that in many cases the email supplied may not longer be used, but this is unavoidable.
After 12 months of inactivity, we will remove Committer rights from the individual.
Note that "activity" is not limited to code checkins since some active individuals develop content for the web site, development plans etc. This will be considered when determining if an individual is inactive.
New Committer Nominations
In the spirit of Meritocracy, a key philosophy of Eclipse, the BIRT PMC want to continue to ensure that only individuals who are very experienced with the BIRT project become Committers for the project. From this perspective, we will be looking for individuals who are nominated for Committer status to have experience with at lease one 2nd digit point release (such as BIRT 2.2) and independently owning a part of the BIRT code base. While there may be exceptions from time to time (for example, for new companies joining the project), we will be applying this guideline for new committers going forward.
As a result of this guideline, the project team agree to withdraw the new committer nomination for Xiaokun Yi.
BIRT Events
The following upcoming events will include talks on BIRT and/or Actuate sponsored BIRT booths:
EclipseCon 2007 on March 5-8, 2007 - Santa Clara, CA - http://www.eclipsecon.org/2007/ - 5 long (1 hour) sessions, 6 short (10 mins) sessions, 1 demo/panel, 2 demos, 1 long (3hrs) tutorials, and 3 short (2hr) tutorials allocated to BIRT.
BIRT Articles
The following articles have recently been published on BIRT:
Eclipse Magazine - December 2006 - POJO Access Using BIRT by David Trainor and Jason Weathersby - http://www.eclipsemag.net/
Java Developers Journal - October 2006 - Java Feature: Developing an Eclipse BIRT Report Item Extension by Jason Weathersby; Iana Chatalbasheva; Tom Bondur - http://java.sys-con.com/read/286915.htm
Eclipse Magazine - September 2006 - BIRT Reporting Interactivity by David Trainor and Jason Weathersby - http://www.eclipsemag.net/
Eclipse Magazine - August 2006 - Using BIRT 2.1 for Embedded Reporting by Jason Weathersby - http://www.eclipsemag.net/
ONJava - July 26, 2006 - Deploying BIRT by Jason Weathersby - http://www.onjava.com/pub/a/onjava/2006/07/26/deploying-birt.html
Eclipse Review Magazine - Spring 2006 - Business Intelligence And Reporting Tools by Jason Weathersby and Krishna Venkatraman - http://www.eclipsereview.com/issues/eclipsereview_200606.pdf