Why yet another Automotive WG outside the Automotive WG?
It's not really busy here, this has been only the 2nd message all year long (the first announced, that there will be no more Automotive IDE with Neon;-|)
So how come, there are at least 3 competing Automotive WGs now (this one, a slightly more active but still incubating MDM WG and now PAAS)? Not to mention PolarSys and Papyrus which pretty much took the "torch" regarding Modeling in Embedded and Realtime...
Science does not keep spawning a new WG for every area of interest like "Eclipse Bio WG", "Eclipse Numerical Data WG" etc.
Nor is there a brand new WG for every new IoT idea or trend like a "MQTT WG", "CoAP WG", etc. so why in Automotive?;-O
Having just helped a large Automotive vendor with things like tooling and DevOps enablement, I know how big the delivery pressure can be on many in this field. And although using a few plugins that came out of this WG in its more active time, most companies do not have the time to follow or join every WG especially if there are 3, 4 or even up to 7 a company or industry might be obliged to keep an eye on ;-O
Having so many groups might be a nice thing for Eclipse Foundation earning extra fees, and it could offer multiple vendors the honor of "leadig their own WG" but it seems a bit like those end up being scattered monocultures with only one or very few vendors actively participating in one group while an equally small number sticks to another group. Usually the group they lead.
That's not necessarily a good way to broad, truly vendor-neutral standards and technologies. It seems more like isolated small "ponds" in allotments. They also got a separate club or "working group" for each and evry one of them ;-)
Kind Regards,
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