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Re: [auto-iwg] Polarsys Maturity & Quality Information
Here are some more details on the model including a contact person.
Kind regards,
The main page of the Polarsys task force:
- https://polarsys.org/wiki/index.php/MaturityAssessmentWG
Other stuff:
- Eclipse Quality Requirements: https://polarsys.org/wiki/index.php/EclipseQualityRequirements
- Metrics identified: https://polarsys.org/wiki/index.php/EclipseMetrics
- The quality model being proposed: https://polarsys.org/wiki/index.php/EclipseQualityModel
There are also some useful information available on the Maisqual research project home page:
- Maisqual home page: http://maisqual.squoring.com
For any inquiry about the SQuORE product, please contact Pascale Perot:
- Email: pascale.perrot@xxxxxxxxxxxx
- Tel: +33 638730248
> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
> Von: Oscar Slotosch
> Gesendet: Montag, 8. Juli 2013 16:44
> An: Automotive Industry Working Group (auto-iwg@xxxxxxxxxxx)
> Cc: boris.baldassari@xxxxxxxxxxxx
> Betreff: Polarsys Maturity & Quality Information
> Hello,
> There is some positive news regarding the quality of Eclipse that has mainly
> been created from Squoring within the Polarsys working group.
> https://polarsys.org/wiki/index.php/MaturityAssessmentWG
> In the tool qualification group we will have a closer look to it, but it looks
> quite promising.
> Kind regards,
> Oscar Slotosch
> PS
> We decided to postpone our next WP5 telco from 10th to 17th of July.
> --
> Validas AG
> Dr. Oscar Slotosch
> Vorstandsvorsitzender
> mailto:slotosch@xxxxxxxxxx
> http://www.validas.de
> fon: +49 (0) 89 / 53 88 669-11
> fax: +49 (0) 89 / 53 88 669-10
> --
> Validas AG
> Firmensitz: Arnulfstr. 27, D-80335 München
> Registergericht: Amtsgericht München HRB 131653
> Vorstand: Dr. Oscar Slotosch (Vorsitzender), Dr. Peter Braun, Jan Philipps
> Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Manfred Broy