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Re: [auto-iwg] Informal F2F at Embedded World Fair

Thanks for the updates.
So far, Polarsys looks pretty much like "MyEclipse for the Defense Sector", nothing this or other WGs as a whole really need to be concerned about. The only overlap could be with an official Eclipse Bundle for Mobile or Embedded, but as we heard by Ian and Mike (briefly on the M2M IWG) it has its own website, fees, and bylaws, so it's unlikely to replace the main Eclipse release train any time soon.

Some vendors like Saab also used to make cars beside Fighter Planes. So for them (I heard the plane sector was sold by Polarsys member EADS) it could be relevant, Like Motorola, Ericsson or Nokia-Siemens are also very active in Defense and Military communications, so that explains engagement by some of those.

Google Project Glass is based on technologies, until recently used by Apache Helicopters rather than Apache Foundation, so there could be things and base technologies, protocols, standards etc. Polarsys may use, but there seems to be little outside its core domain and clientele we shall expect it to contribute back.

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