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[auto-iwg] Eclipse Embedded Day 2010, June 24 in Stuttgart
Hi everybody,MicroDoc presents the second Eclipse
Embedded Day 2010 called
EDay 2010 in Stuttgart on June 24 sponsored by the Eclipse Foundation.
The agenda will be packed with high value
talks about Eclipse technologies for the embedded space (mobile, automotive,
telematics, consumer electonics, medical etc.). Parallel sessions on Eclipse
embedded projects and interesting case studies will complement the strategic
presentations.Senior technical developers, architects and technical managers
will learn how to better leverage Eclipse technology and the Eclipse community
as part of their development strategy. There's a unique opportunity for the attendees
from the automotive sector to visit EDay 2010 and Open
Forum 2010: International SPICE Days and Automotive Safety & Security the days before at the same location.
Last year the Eclipse Embedded Day had over
100 registrations. So if you are working in the embedded space, hurry up
registering for this free event, space is limited.Sponsorship applications and submissions
for talks are welcome. You'll find all details on http://wiki.eclipse.org/EclipseEmbeddedDayStgt2010We are looking forward to meet you at Eclipse
Embedded Day 2010 !
- Your Eclipse Embedded Day Team(eday at microdoc.com)
ps: The format of this "vertical"
industry day is according to last year's Eclipse Embedded Day http://wiki.eclipse.org/EclipseEmbeddedDayStgt.
Christine Mitterbauer
MicroDoc GmbH
Niederlassung München
Tel: +49-89-551 9690
eMail: cbo@xxxxxxxxxxxx
MicroDoc Computersysteme GmbH
Elektrastrasse 6
81925 München, Germany
Tel: +49 89 551 969-0
Fax: +49 89 551 969-11
Registergericht München, HRB 95622
USt.Id.: DE 129 416 253
Geschäftsführer: Hendrik Höfer, Hans Kamutzki
MicroDoc Computersysteme GmbH
Elektrastrasse 6
81925 Munich, Germany
Tel: +49 89 551969 0
Fax: +49 89 551969 11
Registergericht Muenchen, HRB 95622
USt.Id.: DE 129 416 253
Geschaeftsfuehrer: Hendrik Hoefer, Hans Kamutzki