Please post as well to the CDT newsggroup.
Regards / Liebe Grüsse,
Ralph Mueller
Director, Eclipse Foundation
Stephan.Rempel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
we would like to see also C++
and/or embedded specific dialects like Extended Embedded C++ from Green
Hills) be included.
The complexity of SW for automotive
embedded application forces us to go beyond ANSI-C.
Mit den besten Gruessen/Best regards,
Dr. Stephan Rempel
Research & Development Software
BU Instrumentation & Displays
Continental Automotive GmbH
VDO-Strasse 1, 64832 Babenhausen, Germany
Ein Unternehmen des Continental-Konzerns/A Company of the Continental
Telefon/Phone: +49 6073 12-4964
Telefax: +49 6073 1279-4964
E-Mail: Stephan.Rempel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Continental Automotive GmbH, Siemensstr. 12, 93055 Regensburg, Germany
Geschäftsführer/Managing Directors: Helmut Matschi, Gérard Cordonnier,
Harald Stuhlmann
Sitz der Gesellschaft/Registered office: Hannover
Registergericht/Commercial registry: Hannover, HRB 59424, USt-Id. Nr.
Proprietary and confidential. Distribution only by express authority of
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