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Re: [aspectj-users] How to resolve real execution signature for call joinpoint

>> Actually and unfortunately, contrary to your assumption 
>> Signature.getDeclaringType() does not yield the same type as 
>> thisJoinPoint.getTarget().getClass().
> That isn't exactly what I was saying. I was saying this new method 
> you wanted to add, how would its return value differ from 
> thisJoinPoint.getTarget().getClass() - I know that getDeclaringType()
> would be different from thisJoinPoint.getTarget() since the former is
> based on the type referenced in the invoke instruction (it is not
> based on the type of the target, even if that could be statically
> analyzed) whilst the second is based on the runtime types flowing
> around. From your test program it seems you want this new method on
> tip to return the actual declaring class of the method involved?
> It all depends what you want at the join point - as your test program
> shows you can dig around for whatever you want (if you really want
> the declaring class of the method involved, you can find it). I could
> push helper code into thisJoinPoint for some of this but I need 
> concrete use cases and votes on requests for it.

Well, I thought my sample code exactly shows what I need (last table
column) and also a use case. Your guess is right, I would like to be
able to call something like

    Class<?> thisJoinPointStaticPart.getActualDeclaringClass()

in order to determine which method is actually targeted by e.g. the call
joinpoint. The use case is quite trivial: I can log it. As can be seen
when running my sample code - feel free to re-use it as a test case -
neither target.getClass().getName() nor
methodSignature.getDeclaringTypeName() actually tell me the truth. E.g.
in my code for the call


target.getClass().getName() yields because we
are dealing with an instance of MyList. But the result is wrong because
there is no such method as*).

methodSignature.getDeclaringTypeName() yields java.util.List because the
MyList instance is actually assigned to a variable of type List. But the
result is also wrong because there is no such method as

What actually gets executed is what I determine tediously via reflection
and print in column "Real method declaring type":
java.util.ArrayList.add(*) - that is where the executed code is really
defined. If I as a user want to know that, currently I have no other
choice but to use reflection. I might not even notice the incorrect
result if I do not pay attention and naively expect
thisJoinPointStaticPart.toString() to yield the desired result.

I hope it gets clearer now. :-)

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