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Re: [aspectj-users] help and ideas on lazy loading thru aspectj

I've simplified the system, for now, but I'm having an error while building the 
aspect, that should be quite simple:

public aspect LazyLoadingAspect perthis(FilteredLoader) {

    pointcut lazyLoadedRead( LazyLoading loadingProperties, FilteredLoader 
owner ) : 
	                                                      get( @LazyLoading 
Collection<SerializableObject+> SerializableObject+.* )

    before( LazyLoading loadingProperties, FilteredLoader owner ) : 
lazyLoadedRead( annotation, owner ){
	System.out.println("Lazy Loading");


so I'm searching to define a pointcut for any access to a collection of 
SerializableObject that have been annotated with @LazyLoading, but I got an 
error on the advice: formal unbound in pointcut for loadingProperties.

What am I missing?


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