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[aspectj-users] Weaving classes in rt.jar

Hi guys,

I'm trying to weave the classes in rt.jar. For instance, I would like to log every call to the method HashSet.add(). Tracking calls from client code won't work, since there might be calls to HashSet.add() from within rt.jar.

The constraint is that I cannot weave the JDK source, generate a new rt.jar, and prepend it to the bootclasspath.

Therefore, LTW seems to be the solution -- but I understand that AspectJ is a Java app that it has to be loaded *after* rt.jar is loaded (chicken and the egg kind of thing).

I guess that reloading + weaving is the only possibility left -- is it possible to weave classes in rt.jar after they have been loaded ? Can you please point at an example so I can see how that works?

Thank you very much!!!!!!!

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