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[aspectj-users] set pointcut on a field, and all its fields


I need to make a pointcut when the field "localTranslation" on the target
Spatial is changed. The code below works great, but...

it's just that sometimes the localTranslations fields are changed, like this
f.ex: localTranslation.x = 0.5;

I need the pointcut to include those changes of localTranslation too. Is
there a solution to this?

pointcut localTranslationSet(Spatial spatial, Vector3f localTranslation):
	set(Vector3f Spatial+.localTranslation)
	&& !withincode(
	&& target(spatial)
	&& args(localTranslation);

after(Spatial spatial, Vector3f localTranslation) returning:
localTranslationSet(spatial, localTranslation) {
	if(shouldNotBeIgnored(spatial)) {
LocalTranslationSetEvent(getAddress(spatial), spatial.hashCode(),
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