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Re: [aspectj-users] aspectj tutorial feedback

Yes, thats a good point to discuss. I have done a little project that
involved thisJoinPoint and reflection in general, and I had a hard
time digging through the manual until i tweaked my code to do what i
wanted. Maybe thats gonna be the topic on my next article.

I really found out the aspectj exam interesting. Maybe we could
develop a series of articles based on the questions on the exam as
some sort of study guide...

On Wed, Sep 24, 2008 at 3:16 PM, Simone Gianni <simoneg@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi Leonardo,
> in my opinion, thisJoinPoint and around advices (so also proceed()) are
> the best power/simplicity compromise.
> Around advices are relatively easy to explain : whenever you subclass
> and override a method you are creating  a kind of "around advice", when
> you are calling super.method() you are basically calling proceed(). It
> is not reality (don't flame on me), but its just to say that around
> advice are relatively easy to understand cause are close to a concept
> every java developer is used to.
> thisJoinPoint is just an API, so no special AOP stuff to understand ...
> but as a recent thread has demonstrated, using it properly can save a
> lot of time and effort on many situations.
> Combined together, even with basic pointcuts, it's enough to do a lot of
> nice stuff.
> You could also want to see, and comment if you think so, the beta
> program for the java black belt exam on AspectJ :
> and
> There,
> Andrew and I tried to summarize basic AspectJ concepts and organize them
> in progressive steps.
> Simone
> Leonardo Sá wrote:
>> I would like to. Do you have any suggestions? I was thinking about
>> going a little bit more in depth on pointcuts...
>> On Wed, Sep 24, 2008 at 2:54 AM, Simone Gianni <simoneg@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> Hi Leonardo,
>>> it sounds good, nice job. I also feel AspectJ needs more tutorials like
>>> this : less technical and more intuitive. While the official
>>> documentation is complete and also quite simple to understand, it is
>>> what it is : official documentation, not a practical, friendly tutorial,
>>> like yours.
>>> Do you think you will expand on it with new trails covering more
>>> features in the future?
>>> Simone
>>> Leonardo Sá wrote:
>>>> When i first started learning aspectj, i found out that the learning
>>>> curve was a litthe rough for programmers like me that didn't have any
>>>> previous aop experience. That led me to write a small tutorial on
>>>> AspectJ on my blog:
>>>> I would like some feedback from the community on how to improve that
>>>> article further to make it easier for new programmers to get into the
>>>> aspectj world as easily as possible.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Leonardo Sá
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>>> --
>>> Simone Gianni            CEO Semeru s.r.l.           Apache Committer
>>> MALE human being programming a computer
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>>> aspectj-users mailing list
>>> aspectj-users@xxxxxxxxxxx
> --
> Simone Gianni            CEO Semeru s.r.l.           Apache Committer
> MALE human being programming a computer
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> aspectj-users mailing list
> aspectj-users@xxxxxxxxxxx

Leonardo Sá
EMBRATI - Soluções on-line
Rua Direita 329 - 1° Andar - São José
(81) 8822 7374
(81) 3221 2494

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