Hi Thomas,
Here are the instructions for building the latest stuff, you will need an older tag for building 121, cant quite remember what it is - can you not just rebuild the latest?
Anyway prepare yourself..... <deep breath>
1. In CVS view, select HEAD/org.aspectj then right click 'Configure branches and versions'.
2. In the popup select shadows/org.eclipse.jdt.core/.settings/org.eclipse.jdt.core.prefs - then in the right hand window select the tag aj_v_785_R33X. Then select 'Add Checked Tags' and click OK to close the window.
3. Now under Branches, open aj_v_785_R33X/org.aspectj/shadows and right click org.eclipse.jdt.core>Checkout As and enter something like 'shadows.org.eclipse.jdt.core' (this may overwrite one in your workspace, that is OK).
4. wait for checkout
5. Turn off build automatically in the workspace
6. In your new project, right click build.xml and RunAs>AntBuild... deselect make.jdtcore.jar (it wont do what you want, yet) and select transformProjectToORGASPECTJ, then click Run, wait for ant task to complete
7. Right click your new project and Refresh
8. Right click your new project, AspectJTools>convert to aspectj project (you need AJDT installed...)
9. Turn build automatically back on
10. down to 43 errors
11. open MANIFEST.MF in your new project, global replace org.eclipse.jdt with org.aspectj.org.eclipse.jdt
12. zero errors, building clean!
13. Right click build.xml and select only make.jdtcore.jar
14. Wait for build.xml to complete, the new jdtcore.jar is now in your org.eclipse.jdt.core project.
Could be simplified, i know, but i dont do it very often... and that particular setup makes it easier to move to a new JDT compiler version.