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Re: [aspectj-users] Re: Advise proceed calls

Hi Miguel.

> I say "would be" because I think that, ultimately, it wouldn't work. AspectJ is too
> asymmetrical a language for that. The language does not provide the proper means for
> an aspect to compose with other aspects. Aspects generally assume they are the only
> aspect that is advising a given system.

Please allow we to add my two cents because I don't quite share your
opinion on that. An aspect per se assumes  nothing at all. It's the
programmer who assumes and he/she can either be consciously aware of
other aspects or be ignorant and run into trouble. I agree with you
that the means that AJ provides to support a programmer in discovering
and customizing aspect interaction is not ideal but surely there are
very successful AspectJ based systems that use a good hand full of

On another note, adding a proceed-joinpoint should be a matter of a
couple of hours when extending abc. If you think such a joinpoint
would be useful I encourage you to just try it out.


Eric Bodden
Sable Research Group
McGill University, Montréal, Canada

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