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[aspectj-users] class location question

I follow the tutorial ( to practise design pattern. Whilst coding adaptor patterns, I encounter a problem. It is related to the path location.

The files sturcture in which code works fine looks as below:
sensor/ (where calls sensor classes)
adaptor/Adaptors.aj (adaptor pattern module)
adaptor/ (sensor interface)

Everything resembles the tutorial and it works well. However, if I change the files structure to following: (where calls sensor classes)
adaptor/Adaptors.aj (adaptor pattern module)
adaptor/ (sensor interface)

In this structure I move sensors classes to the default package (the same level as Test class)

Then when invoking ajc compiler it echos

[error] The import sensor cannot be resolved
import sensor.TemperatureSensor;
 [error] The import sensor cannot be resolved
import sensor.RadiationSensor;
 [error] TemperatureSensor cannot be resolved to a type
public String TemperatureSensor.getStatus(){
 [error] RadiationSensor cannot be resolved to a type
public String RadiationSensor.getStatus(){
 [error] The type TemperatureSensor must implement the inherited abstract method StatusSensor.getStatus()
public class TemperatureSensor{
 [error] The type RadiationSensor must implement the inherited abstract method StatusSensor.getStatus()
public class RadiationSensor{

What causes this error? or How should I compile the source in order to solve this error? 

Thank you very much,

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