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Re: [aspectj-users] RE: Capturing EventDispatch Thread

OK, what is the program doing?  Can you provide a small example client.  (Pure Speculation) It might be the case that the library is calling dispatchEvent (i.e., not your code) and the compiler is not weaving into the library ( i.e., it just weaves into what you "compile").

On 6/4/07, Fleck, Dan <Dan_Fleck@xxxxxxx> wrote:



I am trying to capture and time calls to java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent(AWTEvent e).


I am using the following code but it doesn't seem to work. Any ideas why I'm not seeing the events? I added a lot of tries to get it but nothing seemed to work. I do have other aspects that work fine.





Code:--- -----------------------------------------------------------------------



public aspect SluggishDetector {


   pointcut dispatchPoint(java.awt.Component p1, java.awt.AWTEvent event):

                             target(p1) && args(event) &&


                             call(void *.dispatchEvent(java.awt.AWTEvent+)) ||

                             call(void *.dispatchEvent(java.awt.AWTEvent+)) ||

                             execution(void *.dispatchEvent(java.awt.AWTEvent+)) ||

                             execution(void *.dispatchEvent(java.awt.AWTEvent+))

                             ) ;


   before(java.awt.Component p1, java.awt.AWTEvent event): dispatchPoint(p1, event) {

      System.err.println("ASPECTJ ***** SLUGGISH");




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