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[aspectj-users] Question about around() advice and exception handling

Hello folks,

I was looking in to using AspectJ as a replacement for my current JBossAOP based aspects but I got stumped on a few things.

First was the seeming lack of perJoinPoint type constructs.  Which I resolved by making an IdentityHashMap< JoinPoint.StaticPart,MyState> type cache whenever a new joinpoint was executed.  Works basically the same.

Second, I can't seem to figure out how to genericly wrap methods in an around type construct.
In JBossAOP it was as simple as:
public Object adviceMethod(MethodInvocation mi) throws Throwable){
  Object ret = null;
  Object fault = null; random stuff this advice wants to do...
     ret = mi.invokeNext();
   catch(Throwable th){
       fault = th;
   } random stuff this advice wants to do...
   if (fault) throw fault;
   return ret;

Problem I have in AspectJ is that it seems I must know the target methods declared checked exceptions.  Which isn't really possible. 
public void foo() {
   ... foo stuff...
public void bar() throws Exception{ stuff...

There seems to be no construct in AspectJ's language (not the AJ 1.5 annotations, I'm using the traditional aspectj style) to have a catch all / rethrow all type thing.

That or I'm just missing it.

I could make an around() aspect with a:

public around() : execution(@Tx * *(..)) {
   boolean failed = true;
    if (failed) bad thing (rollback / etc) ...
    else good thing (commit / etc)...

but that seems odd, plus I'd lose the ability to see how something fails.

I don't want to use soften since it seems to mask the actual exception thrown which would break virtually all of our code (lots of JDBC / JMS stuff)

It's entirely possible that I'm missing the page with the magic syntax of something like
around() throws *? : execution(@Tx * *(..) throws *?)

Aside from my initial hurdles of syntax/convention converting from JBossAOP to AspectJ, I really like the AspectJ way of doing things.

I look forward to taking our JBossAS restart time from 3min back down to ~2min when this conversion is complete (due to limitations in jbaop's aopc we must use loadtime weaving which adds 1+min to our deploy cycle, which is why I'm trying to switch to AspectJ)

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