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[aspectj-users] ERROR: ... must be declared in an aop.xml file

I'm getting the below errors. These classes are /not/ declared in aop.xml because I'm not using them right now. So what could be causing them to get weaved? And why does they message say they are woven into themselves?


13:42:41,359 ERROR-AspectJWeaverLogger - aspect 'org.opentrader.infra.spring.MultiFactoryBeanConfigurerSupportFactoryAdder' woven into 'org.opentrader.infra.spring.MultiFactoryBeanConfigurerSupportFactoryAdder' must be declared in an aop.xml file. [][main][org.opentrader.runtime.aspectj.AspectJWeaverLogger] 13:42:41,890 ERROR-AspectJWeaverLogger - aspect 'org.opentrader.infra.myfaces.MyFacesExceptionHandlerUnLogger' woven into 'org.opentrader.infra.myfaces.MyFacesExceptionHandlerUnLogger' must be declared in an aop.xml file. [][main][org.opentrader.runtime.aspectj.AspectJWeaverLogger]

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