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Re: [aspectj-users] Advising all methods that modify transientfields

On Wed, 2003-12-03 at 04:49, Wes Isberg wrote:
> > I would actually like to capture all methods in which
> > non-transient
> > fields are modified for a given storage class. 
> There isn't a way in AspectJ to pick out a join point
> based on whether other join points might occur within
> the scope of its execution, even if that's determinable.
> You can get the signature of the enclosing join point,
> but you don't want to replace a field-set with a 
> reflective call to the method containing it.  Even if
> you avoid advice advising itself, there might be code
> before or after the set in the method.
> If you really want to do this, one solution is to 
> convert "state changes" to setter methods in one 
> of two ways.  (Neither way gives you the benefit of
> grouping a set of state changes for persistence at
> one point -- do you miss the C++ const specifier yet?
> -- for AspectJ used to try to close over a whole 
> series of messages, see the CricketCage project.)

Having the policy of using methods is completely acceptable to me.
Changing the 
extended aspect to this:

Works fine with my small test and I will incorporate your enforcement
code as well.

Is there a way to generalize the pointcut above or would I need an
aspect for each storage class I was dealing with?

That's not really a big deal as I could generate the aspect from some
user input if not possible because in my scenerio the storage class must
be specified. I usually prototype with Prevayler as I can change the
application model, blow away prevayler transactions and try again. But I
would like to be able to take the storage class, swizzle it and
automatically generate the necessary OJB artifacts for database


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