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Re: [aspectj-users] accessing members of this in intertype declarations

The Programming Guide, Semantics appendix, section
"Inter-type member declarations" says:

  Any occurrence of the identifier this in the body of an
  inter-type constructor or method declaration, or in the
  initializer of an inter-type field declaration, refers
  to the OnType object rather than to the aspect type;
  it is an error to access this in such a position from
  a static inter-type member declaration.

So use "this" in non-static contexts to refer to the type being
declared on.

  aspect A {
     public void {; // for

You can't refer to either the aspect type or
to subtypes of the type declared on, so in your case you
cannot refer to a member of type C that implements
interface I in the body of a method declared on I.

You can declare the method on C directly, or surface the
instance of C with this(), target() or  args() and then use
that, if the member is accessible.

In any case, if C is to be affected by

  declare parents : C implements I

then C has to be in the code the compiler controls, as a
source file or in the -injars.

And if C is affected (implements I), then any subclass
of C is also affected (will implement I).  This is just
straight Java.


Lendvai Attila wrote:

if i define an aspect with inter-type member declarations, is there any
way to access the this pointer of the type it's applied to.

i have a class C {}. i apply aspect A {} to a few subclasses of C. in
the body of a method in A i would like to access the C instance...

class C
	void bar()

class D extends C {}
class E extends C {}

aspect A
	private interface IA {};

	declare parents (C || D) implements IA;


C is in a library without an interface and i would not like to use
injar, but E should not get the functinality in A anyways.

or should i do this in a different way?


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