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[aspectj-users] Are my "cant find type" messages anything to worry about?


I'm using aspectj1.1, I'm using the -injars and -aspectpath options.  I want to weave a tracing aspect library into an existing jar file.

When I try this, it seems to work ok but I get lots of these messages:

 can't find type javax.wsdl.xml.WSDLLocator
 can't find type javax.jms.ExceptionListener
 can't find type javax.jms.MessageListener
 can't find type javax.jms.JMSException
 can't find type javax.jms.Queue
 can't find type javax.jms.Session
 can't find type javax.jms.QueueConnectionFactory
 can't find type javax.jms.Destination
 can't find type javax.jms.MessageProducer
 can't find type javax.wsdl.Part

Which I imagine are due to the fact that the classpath I'm using when calling ajc doesn't include everything that was originally used to build my 'non-aspect' jar file.
They don't say whether they are warnings/errors/info - and I don't know if I can stop them coming out?  Help!  Do I need to worry?


Andy Clement
AJDT Development

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