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Re: [aspectj-dev] A weaving problem?

This error:

bad WeaverState.Kind: 67

indicates a mismatch between the aspectj level that was used to build
something and the aspectj level that is being used to weave it.
Usually it is because a newer version of aspectj was used to build the
code than was used to weave it.  For example, if I compiled it with
1.6.0 then wove it with the 1.5.0 weaver, I would see something like
that.  AspectJ is always compatible moving forwards (the 1.6.0 weaver
understands 1.5.0 built code) but not vice versa.

If you have imported it as a jar file - do you know what level of the
compiler was used to build it before you imported it?


On 26/02/2008, Mattia <mattiar82@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Dear All,
> I'm working on a CaesarJ project by using the corresponding eclipse plugin.
> My project depends on an AspectJ project, named AOPHiddenMetrics that I
> import as a JAR file.
> When I try to compile it I got the following error:
> Internal compiler error: java.lang.RuntimeException: bad WeaverState.Kind:
> 67
> That sounds weird to me especially when cutting down my example I've
> discovered that it complains of this kind of pointcuts:
>                       cflow(call(* java..*.*(..))
> The weirdness is due to the fact that if I change the call pointcut into
> an execution pointcut everything perfectly compiles (of course semantics
> change).
> Do you have any ideas about how to solve this problem?
> Thanks in advance for your help
> Mattia
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