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[aspectj-dev] SoftException and getCause()


While debugging a problem in aTrack (,
I needed SoftException to show the cause (the softened exception
and its cause, recursively). So I modified to 
add the following line:

public Throwable getCause() { return inner; }

Now I get the information I need (an exception trace on web page).

A few questions:
1. While modifying, I notice that there is
   a TODO note discussing getCuase() and chained exception.
   Is there a deeper issue  with the fix such as above?
   It seems that adding getCause() will not cause any problem for
   1.3- folks while benefiting 1.4+ developers.

2. Should getWrappedThrowable() be deprecated in favor of 

BTW, the getCause() vs. getWrappedThrowable() has got me on 
more than one occasion. I habitually use getCuase() only to
realize that with SoftException, I should have used 


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