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[aspectj-announce] MODULARITY: aosd.2012 --- AOSD 2012 Call for Research Papers

MODULARITY: aosd.2012

*** AOSD 2012 ***

March 25–30, 2012
Hasso-Plattner-Institut Potsdam, Germany

Call for Papers -- Research Results

Modularity transcending traditional abstraction boundaries is essential for developing complex modern systems - particularly software and software-intensive systems. Aspect-oriented and other new forms of modularity and abstraction are attracting a great deal attention across many domains within and beyond computer science. As the premier international conference on modularity, AOSD continues to advance our knowledge and understanding of separation of concerns, modularity, and abstraction in the broadest senses of these terms.

The 2012 AOSD conference will comprise two main events: "Research Results" and "Modularity Visions". Both events invite full, scholarly papers of the highest quality on new ideas and results in areas that include but are not limited to complex systems, software design and engineering, programming languages, cyber-physical systems, and other areas across the whole system life cycle.

Research Results papers are expected to contribute significant new research results with rigorous and substantial validation of specific technical claims based on scientifically sound reflections on experience, analysis, or experimentation.

Modularity Visions papers (solicited in a separate call) are expected to present compelling new ideas in modularity, including strong cases for significance, novelty, validity, and potential impact based on thorough scholarly argumentation and early results.

AOSD 2012 is deeply committed to eliciting works of the highest caliber by employing a new approach to reviewing with three separate paper submission deadlines and review stages. A paper accepted in any round will be published in the proceedings and presented at the conference. A paper rejected in an early round may be invited to be revised and resubmitted for review by the same reviewers in a later round. There is no guarantee that a revised paper will be accepted. Authors may, on their own initiative, resubmit a rejected work in a subsequent round, in which case new reviewers may be appointed. Authors submitting a revised paper should attach a letter explaining the revisions made to it.


Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:

* Complex systems: Modularity has emerged as a vital theme in many domains, from biology to economics to engineered systems to software and software-intensive systems, and beyond. AOSD 2012 invites works that explore and establish connections across such disciplinary boundaries.
* Software design and engineering: Requirements and domain engineering; architecture; synthesis; evolution; metrics and evaluation; economics; testing analysis and verification; semantics; composition and interference; traceability; methodology; patterns.
* Programming languages: Language design; compilation and interpretation; verification and static program analysis; formal languages and calculi; execution environments and dynamic weaving; dynamic and scripting languages; domain-specific languages and other support for new forms of abstraction.
* Varieties of modularity: Context orientation; feature orientation; model-driven development; generative programming; software product lines; traits; meta-programming and reflection; contracts and components; view-based development.
* Tools: Aspect mining; evolution and reverse engineering; crosscutting views; refactoring.
* Applications: Data-intensive computing; distributed and concurrent systems; middleware; service-oriented computing systems; cyber-physical systems; networking; cloud computing; pervasive computing; runtime verification; computer systems performance; system health monitoring and the enforcement of non-functional properties.

Important Dates -- Research Results

(all deadlines are in 2011, 23:59:59 Apia, Samoa, time)

* Round 1: Submission: April 25 / Notification: June 22
* Round 2: Submission: July 18 / Notification: September 14
* Round 3: Submission: October 10 / Notification: December 7

Instructions for Authors

Submissions to AOSD Research Results will be carried out electronically via CyberChair. (Modularity Visions and Research Results will have separate CyberChair URLs.) All papers must be submitted in PDF format. Submissions must be no longer than 12 pages (including bibliography, figures, and appendices) in standard ACM SIG Proceedings format.

The submission deadline, length limitations, and formatting instructions are firm: any submissions that deviate from these may be rejected without review by the program chairs. Submitted papers must adhere to SIGPLAN's republication policy.

Each paper should contain an explanation of its contributions in both general and technical terms, clearly identifying what has been accomplished, explaining why it is significant, and placing it in the context of relevant prior work. Where appropriate, systems and experimental data should be made available on the Web. Authors should make the technical content of their papers understandable to a broad but technically sophisticated audience.


Accepted papers will be published by the ACM in the main AOSD 2012 conference proceedings and will appear in the ACM Digital Library. Authors of accepted papers are expected to revise their papers in light of reviewers' comments, and to provide camera-ready versions of the papers by the camera-ready deadline. All authors will also be required to sign the standard ACM copyright form.

Program Chair -- Research Results

* Eric Tanter, Universidad de Chile, Chile

Program Committee -- Research Results

* Jonathan Aldrich, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
* Sven Apel, University of Passau, Germany
* Eric Bodden, Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany
* Paulo Borba, Federal University of Pernambuco, Brazil
* Shigeru Chiba, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
* Yvonne Coady, University of Victoria, Canada
* Bruno De Fraine, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium
* Erik Ernst, Aarhus University, Denmark
* Patrick Eugster, Purdue University, USA
* Alessandro Garcia, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
* Stefan Hanenberg, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany
* Michael Haupt, Hasso Plattner Institut, Germany
* Klaus Havelund, Jet Propulsion Laboratory/NASA, USA
* Wouter Joosen, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium
* Gregor Kiczales, University of British Columbia, Canada
* Shriram Krishnamurthi, Brown University, USA
* Ralf Laemmel, Universitaet Koblenz-Landau, Germany
* Julia Lawall, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
* Karl Lieberherr, Northeastern University, USA
* David Lorenz, Open University of Israel, Israel
* Donna Malayeri, Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, Switzerland
* Hidehiko Masuhara, University of Tokyo, Japan
* Mira Mezini, Technische Universitaet Darmstadt, Germany
* James Noble, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
* Bruno C. d. S. Oliveira, Seoul National University, South Korea
* Klaus Ostermann, University of Marburg, Germany
* Awais Rashid, Lancaster University, UK
* Mario Suedholt, Ecole des Mines de Nantes, France
* Peri Tarr, IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center, USA
* Eli Tilevich, Virginia Tech, USA
* Arie van Deursen, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
* Eric Wohlstadter, University of British Columbia, Canada

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