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[aspectj-announce] AOSD.05 Workshops
[Many/most of the workshops at AOSD.05 should be of interest to AspectJ users!]
Fourth International Conference on Aspect-Oriented Software Development
March 14-18, 2005
Chicago, Illinois, USA
In cooperation with ACM SIGPLAN and ACM SIGSOFT
Workshops provide a highly interactive and collaborative setting where people
can combine forces to identify, exchange, plan, and elaborate emerging ideas,
high-quality research, cutting-edge practices, and other efforts. The many
successful workshops at previous AOSD conferences show that this productive and
collaborative climate is a hallmark of aspect-oriented software development.
The AOSD.05 workshop program is summarized below. For more information, please
refer to the individual workshop Web sites and the AOSD.05 workshops page:
AOSD.05 Workshop Schedule
Monday, March 14, 2005: ACP4IS AOM FOAL LATE (*new!*)
Tuesday, March 15, 2005: DAW Early Aspects SPLAT WTAOP (*new!*)
Workshop CFPs are posted to the <announce@xxxxxxxx> mailing list and elsewhere.
To subscribe to the <announce@xxxxxxxx> mailing list, visit: http://aosd.net/
ACP4IS: Aspects, Components, and Patterns for Infrastructure Software
ACP4IS provides a highly interactive forum for researchers and developers to
discuss the application of and relationships between aspects, components, and
patterns within modern "systems infrastructure" software: e.g., application
servers, middleware, virtual machines, compilers, operating systems, and other
software that provides general services for higher-level applications. This
meeting of the workshop will focus on the particular topic of implementing
infrastructure software product families. The goal is to better understand how
aspects, components, and patterns relate --- individually and in combination
--- to the inherent challenges of systems infrastructure product lines.
AOM: Aspect-Oriented Modeling
The Aspect-Oriented Modeling (AOM) Workshop brings together researchers and
practitioners from two communities, aspect-oriented software development (AOSD)
and software model engineering. The workshop provides a forum for presenting
new ideas and discussing the state of research and practice in modeling various
kinds of crosscutting concerns at different levels of abstraction (e.g.,
software architecture, detailed design, testing, and mapping the models onto
aspect-oriented programs). The goals of the workshop are to identify and
discuss the impacts of aspect-oriented technologies on model engineering, in
order to provide aspect-oriented software developers with general modeling
means to express aspects and their crosscutting relationships onto other
software artifacts.
DAW: Dynamic Aspects Workshop
Traditional aspect systems define join points in terms of the static structure
of programs, such as syntactic method calls, method entry and field access.
However, sometimes it is desirable to invoke or change aspect behavior based on
program dynamics, such as the call-stack context, co-occurrence of predicate
triggers, concurrent thread status, or events in the underlying interpreter
such as storage reclamation or process scheduling. This workshop will identify
examples of useful dynamic aspect behavior; suggest appropriate linguistic
structures for dynamic aspects; and discuss implementation techniques for
dynamic aspects, such as shadow compilation, dynamically changeable hook
points, and modifications required in the underlying execution environment.
Early Aspects: Aspect-Oriented Requirements Engineering and Architecture Design
Early aspects are crosscutting concerns in the early life cycle phases
including the requirements analysis, domain analysis, and architecture design
phases. While conventional aspect-oriented software development approaches
have mainly focused on identifying the aspects at the programming level, coping
with aspects in the early life cycle phases is a primary issue that can have a
large impact on the whole system. This workshop aims to support the
cross-fertilization of ideas in requirements engineering, domain engineering,
software architecture design, and aspect-oriented software development in order
to identify the problems and potential solutions of early aspects.
FOAL: Foundations of Aspect-Oriented Languages
FOAL is a forum for research in foundations of aspect-oriented programming
languages. The workshop aims to foster work in foundations, including formal
studies; promote the exchange of ideas; and encourage workers in the semantics
and formal methods communities to do research in the area of aspect-oriented
programming languages. All theoretical and foundational studies of this topic
are welcome.
LATE: Linking Aspect Technology and Evolution
The LATE workshop will explore issues in the migration of ordinary (object-
oriented) applications into their aspect-oriented equivalents, as well as in
the evolution of these aspect-oriented applications themselves. Aspect mining,
aspect migration and aspect(-aware) refactoring techniques are of particular
interest, as well as the impact of aspect languages on the process, metrics to
assess quality improvements, experience reports from practioners in the field,
etc. The goals of this workshop are to catalogue and coordinate the currently
existing efforts, to identify additional interesting and relevant topics that
need studying and to exchange ideas and experiences.
SPLAT: Software-Engineering Properties of Languages and Aspect Technologies
The SPLAT workshop will explore issues in designing AOSD languages and systems
that promote good software engineering properties such as comprehensibility,
expressiveness, predictability and evolvability, and with a special focus on
conflicts between such properties and how to reconcile them or make the right
WTAOP: Workshop on Testing Aspect-Oriented Programs
This workshop will provide a highly interactive forum for researchers and
developers to discuss the issues associated with the testing and verification
of aspect-oriented programs (AOPs). The workshop will focus on key research
questions, including how do we test aspects as units?, how do we test woven
artifacts?, how do we predict emergent behavior?, and what kinds of faults do
programmers make when using aspect-oriented languages? The goal of the
workshop will be to define a research agenda for testing AOPs, identification
of needed testing strategies, and tools, and framing the problems that pose
essential testing challenges that are peculiar to aspect-oriented programming.
Authors of the best position papers and those leading to the most constructive
discussions at the workshop will be invited to submit a suitably expanded form
of the paper for a special issue or section on testing aspect-oriented programs
in the Software Quality Journal.
FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE VISIT: http://aosd.net/conference