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Re: [ajdt-dev] Test failures

I can't talk much about the AJ tests, since we typically don't run
them for AJDT.  However, you should be running the "AllCoreTests" test
case for the AJDT tests.  This single test suite contains all of the
relevant tests for AJDT core.

Looking in there, it seems like there is 1 failing test.
AspectRenameRefactoringTests.testRenamePointcut1.  All other failing
tests are not relevant.

Are you running your tests on mac, windows, or linux?  There could be
some newline related issues.  These tests are typically run on MacOs
and Linux (and rarely on Windows).  It is entirely possible that this
test fails on windows due to line separator issues.

ps- if you are brave enough to run the AJDT UI tests, then you should
be running the AllUITests suite.  Please let me know what the results

On Mon, Dec 6, 2010 at 1:13 PM, F.A. Bourbonnais <fab.lists@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi,
> I downloaded the head from the CVS of AJDT and AspectJ. But I have
> several failures while running tests and some build problems:
> 1. I have 11 failures in ajdt.core.tests
>    In short (some are run twice in two suites I think...)
>       - TestRenamePointcut1
>       - AbstractITDSearchTest
>       - 6 in builder.RefreshTests
>   JUnit result is attached in AJDT Core Tests 20101204-175650.xml
> 2. I tried to execute the test harness for AspectJ but the ant target
> "build-harness-jar" doesn't produce the jar "testing-drivers-all.jar".
> I do have "testing-drivers.jar" (not -all) and a
> "testing-drivers-test-all.jar". The last one seems to do the job but I
> have an error about a missing dependency (apache-commons) which may be
> voluntarily not added to the jar? Is it the right jar ?
> 3. So, I tried to run those tests directly into Eclipse by using the
> class "org.aspectj.testing.drivers.Harness". Some test runs and after
> a short time it fails with some errors:
>    ? Util.write() suid=Test: static final long serialVersionUID =
> 179572068006061281L;
>    ? Test; local class
> incompatible: stream classdesc serialVersionUID = 179572068006061281,
> local class serialVersionUID = -5805535058418760185
>    ... many times
>    Complete console output is attached in test-harness-aj_2010-12-06.txt
> 4. Finally, when I launched JUnit tests for AspectJ, it ends with 6 failures:
>    - org.aspectj.weaver.bcel.TjpWeaveTestCase  (4 failures)
>    - JDK 1.5 -
> (2 failures)
>    JUnit result is attached in AJ JUnit Tests 20101204-233248.xml.
> I'm running those tests on an GNU/Linux Ubuntu 10.10 amd64 with
> Eclipse 3.6 and Java OpenJDK 64-Bit 1.6.0_20.
> Thanks,
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