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Re: [ajdt-dev] Installing latest AJDT/AspectJ build

Yes, feel free to raise bugs for developer builds.  Every developer
build passes all the tests we have defined - so any problem you find
is something we havent been testing for and needs capturing with
a testcase and a fix.


             Nicholas Lesiecki                                             
             .com>                                                      To 
             Sent by:                  ajdt-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx                
             ajdt-dev-admin@ec                                          cc 
                                       Re: [ajdt-dev] Installing latest    
             17/02/2005 14:43          AJDT/AspectJ build                  
             Please respond to                                             

> If you find you like an AJDT build and want to use it in the
> surrounding
> environment you should just be able to put ajde.jar from the
> org.aspectj.ajde
> plugin ahead of your aspectjtools.jar *from a recent AspectJ download*.

Ah, so I need to use both! I'd figured most of the rest out, but when I
tried using ajde alone, the ant support exploded on me.

> I'm not sure you'll see such great build time improvements outside of
> the
> IDE as you have seen inside the IDE as the enhancements you saw
> yesterday
> were kind of on the interface between the two.

Well, that may be true. I don't actually care though, I just need my
ant build and my AJDT build to produce compatible class files since I
often mix classes from both in my development environment.

BTW, should I raise bugs for things I find in these developer builds?
For instance, the compiler crashes with an NPE on unimplemented
abstract methods in a class. Is that something that deserves a bugzilla
report, or are the builds considered too unstable to report against?


Nicholas Lesiecki
Software Craftsman, specializing in J2EE,
Agile Methods, and aspect-oriented programming
m: 520 591-1849

* Mastering AspectJ:
* Java Tools for Extreme Programming:

Articles on AspectJ:
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On Feb 17, 2005, at 1:45 AM, Andrew Clement wrote:

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