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Re: [ajdt-dev] New AJDT dev build available.

Alex Popescu <alexandru.popescu@xxxxxxxxx> wrote on 02/02/2005 16:47:27:
> However is there a way to achieve what I have asked? Or the solution
> would be to build it from cvs
> sources?

Alex Popescu <alexandru.popescu@xxxxxxxxx> wrote on 02/02/2005 16:42:34:
> I have raised this question on ajdev ml too, but i haven't received 
> an answer yet. Is there a way to
> ~ integrate (even manually) the latest AspectJ distro into an 
> existing AJDT install?

Hi Alex,

This is not straightforward because of the packaging steps required, but 
it would be possible to publish an Ant script (modified from our build 
process) to perform such an operation, pointing it to an AJDT install and 
an AspectJ install. However, the process of publishing an AJDT build is 
almost completely automated, and when the last piece is in place to give 
us full automation, we can increase the frequency of AJDT development 
builds. We could probably even trigger a build every time there is a 
successful AspectJ build. You can of course build everything from cvs, but 
there is some setup required for that.



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