Dear Alberto, Adrian,
Unfortunately non of our developers seem to use Windows actively,
so we are not too up to date on the related issues. To enable mDNS
discovery on Windows, you have to configure the network as a
"trusted" network in windows. This worked for many.
If, instead, you are using the IP address, you have to change the
configuration of the GW. Locate your config file. If you use the
Raspbian based image:
- you have to SSH to he gateway with user/pw: pi/agileiot
- your config is in /home/pi/agile-cli/agile.config
- change AGILE_HOST: (e.g. "export AGILE_HOST=")
- restart agile, by issuing `agile restart` on the pi
- if you still have trouble, you can also reset state by issuing
the following commands `agile clean; sudo rm -rf
/home/pi/.agile/security; agile start`
As you see, with the image you are NOT using the .env file in
agile-stack, but agile.config in agile-cli. You can also use the
.env file, but you have to make sure only one of the two is used.
Finally, if you are using the image, you should deploy everything
on the gateway. If you want to use the managed (local or remote)
version, we recommend the resinOS based version.
Let us know if these instructions work for you!
On 06/08/2018 11:59, Alberto Fernandez
(S&C) wrote:
Dear agile-team,
We will appreciate if you can
provide support to continue our development duties for the
Thanks in advance.
Kind regards
Alberto Fernández
Sent from mobile phone / Enviado desde un teléfono
This is Adrián Cañadas
from Sensing&Control, I’ve started to work with the
Agile Gateway integration and have encountered some
problems when I tried to set up a development environment
as there’s very little documentation and not 100% clear,
especially for those not familiar with docker /
I’ve been handed an
Agile Gateway (Raspberry Pi 3) with v0.4.1 installed (this
Our task consists on
integrating a new protocol for the wireless motion sensor
and an app that reads that sensor’s data and sends it to
our platform, with the little docs I could find I assumed
I have to create a new Protocol and a new App which both
will be a docker container app, I wanted to follow
example for the protocol development and some other
Java-based App example (if any exists please point me to
it as I’ve found none).
Digging through the
Agile-IoT github repos I found the “agile-stack”
(redirected from “agile-dev” repo) which seems to be the
entry point to start the development we need to do, as we
already got an Agile Gateway running I skipped the resinOS
setup steps as I (maybe wrongly) assumed that 0.4.1 image
would be already configured with the needed settings,
after that I proceded to install Docker for Windows (as
right now I do not have access to a UNIX machine and we
work with Windows OS mostly) .
Assuming again (not
really clear on the docs) “Start the agile services” is
meant to be executed on the working machine
(UNIX/Windows/... x86) I configured my .env file to point
to our Agile Gateway (using IP address directly as our
network configuration does not allow hostname discovery)
but after running “docker-compose up” command I’ve been
facing connection issues (the command says that the
connection is being rejected by the gateway), so I checked
and the docker service/daemon is running on the agile
gateway (and the UI is accessible on the
http://GATEWAY_IP:8000). So I’m stuck there.
Also in the example
they talk about creating the app (or protocol) in the
/apps directory, not clear where that directory should be
but I assume it should be a folder on the same level as
“agile-stack” cloned repo (I planned to clone the dummy
protocol example and modify it, not really sure if it’s
the way to go or if there’s any other template, as the
example also references a second github repository with
“agile-dbus-java-interface”, what it seems to be the core
interfaces to extend/implement (haven’t found any docs on
this either))
Could any of you
please point me in the right direction and include Windows
OS detailed instructions?
Adrián Cañadas
Csaba Kiraly, PhD
OpenIoT Research Area - Senior Researcher
H2020 AGILE IoT Technical/Scientific Coordinator
Via alla Cascata 56/D - 38123 Trento (Italy)
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