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Re: [agail-dev] OTA

Thanks, that works great.

On Thu, May 17, 2018 at 10:40 AM, Csaba Kiraly <kiraly@xxxxxx> wrote:

Hi Nikos,

If you deploy the AGILE GW using the resin managed installation method, you can update the GW through the resin dashboard. I put here a brief summary, more will be on the Wiki soon:

1, Go to
    - Log in (or sign up for a free account)
    - Once logged in, you are on
2, Create a new App. Through this you will manage your customized version of the AGILE stack, and you will also manage all GW devices running it.
    - Device type: Raspberry Pi
    - Application Type: Starter

 3, Prepare backing repository: the App is managed through a git repository that you should first initialize. For this you should download the stack to a developer machine, modify if needed, and push it back to the resin repo associated with your new App. You can push the default AGILE stack (at the moment you need a special branch, but we are merging this soon), or customize it as you need.
        - clone the agile-stack repo
           git clone
           cd agile-stack
        - check out the branch
           git checkout resin-multi
        - Add the link to your App's repo, and push to it
          git remote add resin <resin_username><resin_username>/<app_name>.git
          git push resin resin-multi:master

4, Preparing a device image:
    - Click "Add device" on your App dashboard
        - Select development edition
        - Download SD image
        - Burn to SD
        - boot

Once a device is booted it will download AGILE. After that you can manage updates through the resin dashboard. AGILE stack updates are automatic. If you push a new version of the repo, it will propagate to all devices. OS updates need to be triggered manually on the dashboard.

If you are using other installation methods, you should handle updates using your preferred docker-compose tools. You can easily set up a VPN to the devices, and then use docker-compose through a remote docker socket, or use some GUI tools for the same purpose.

Best regards,

On 10/05/2018 16:53, Nikos Tsiligaridis wrote:

Does Agail provide any way for OTA on the GW? If not, what would be the preferred method?

Best regards,
Nikos T.

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Csaba Kiraly, PhD
OpenIoT Research Area - Senior Researcher
H2020 AGILE IoT Technical/Scientific Coordinator

Via alla Cascata 56/D - 38123 Trento (Italy)

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