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[adoptium-pmc] Committer Election for Wen Zhou on Eclipse Temurin™ has started

A committer election for Wen Zhou on project Eclipse Temurin™
(adoptium.temurin) was started by Stewart Addison with this criteria:

Wen Zhou (zdtsw on github) recently started as a full-time employee
contributing to the Eclipse Temurin™ team and has already made an impact on
the project including working as part of the Temurin Compliance team for the
last quarterly release.

She has addressed the following bugs:
- temurin-build 2890: Dragonwell version detection is incorrect
- infrastructure 2556: Remove Windows Server 2016 GitHub action
- ci-jenkins-pipeline: investigate nightly build slack html points to old

She has also been involved in the following tasks as well as being a regular
contributor to discussions in the Adoptium slack channels.
- ci-jenkins-pipelines 285: Mermaid diagrams of the build process
- infra 2535: alpine/aarch64 docker image
- infra 2528: GH actions checks for DockerStatic test containers
- infra 2528: Ubuntu22.04 static docker container produced for testing
- ci-jenkins-pipeline: update build matrix script for Alpine/aarch64
- Several PRs created in the installer repository.
- Multiple pieces of work related to improving our SBOM production in the
build pipelines

For these reasons and the long-term outlook for their involvement on the
team, it is my pleasure to nominate Wen as a committer on Eclipse Temurin™.

Eclipse Temurin™ project committers can click the election link below to



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