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Re: [adoptium-pmc] PMC Approval required for Committer Election for jing dang on Eclipse Temurin Compliance

Hey Adoptium PMC.

As we've discussed earlier, in light of the special nature of the Eclipse Temurin Compliance project, I defer to your judgement regarding whether or not you will continue to use the election infrastructure or make a direct request to the EMO to bypass the election and appoint committers to this project.

In the meantime, however, we're in a holding pattern on this particular election until a member of the PMC approves it.

Note that for all other Adoptium projects, the standard election infrastructure is the means by which new committers are elected to projects. PMC approval is the last step in the process. In considering whether or not you approve of the election, you should review the nomination statement to ensure that it conforms to the open source rules of engagement described in the EDP. In practical terms, you should ensure that a nominee has demonstrated a pattern of open and transparent contribution to the project.

Any single member can approve an election on behalf of the PMC.

The first one to engage wins!


On Tue, Jun 14, 2022 at 1:11 AM <emo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
The Committer Election for jing dang on project Eclipse Temurin Compliance
(adoptium.temurin-compliance) concluded successfully.

PMC leads and members can click the election link below to review and



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Wayne Beaton

Director of Open Source Projects | Eclipse Foundation

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