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Re: [adoptium-pmc] Eclipse AQavit Progress Review - PMC engagement needed

Dear PMC, 
this is a kind reminder to provide your feedback about the Eclipse AQavit project in the corresponding GitLab issue.
Thanks in advance.
Maria Teresa Delgado

On Fri, Feb 25, 2022 at 5:34 PM EMO EMO <emo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Dear PMC, 

we are currently going through a Progress Review for the Eclipse AQavit project.

Our intention with this review is to experiment with a different way of applying the Eclipse Foundation Development Process (EDP). 
We hope that we will use what we learn of this experience to ultimately reduce the administrative burden on our open source projects while helping them fully adopt the practices of the EDP.

The notion of progress reviews were added to the EDP some time ago. Progress reviews are like release reviews, except that they are not aligned with any particular release. As it is with release reviews, following a successful progress review, a project is considered "in good standing" for a year (and so may make as many releases during that time frame as needed).

With this in mind, we kindly request your participation in this progress review, by assessing the section dedicated to the PMC in the following GitLab issue:

Below, there is a preview of the section that needs your attention, we've added some pointers and suggestions on how to evaluate projects engaging in Progress Reviews. You won't be able to tick the boxes on the GitLab issue, but we invite you to provide your feedback on the comments.

Also, suggestions to improve the template we've created are welcome.

Thank you in advance for your collaboration.

Open Source Rules of Engagement

To be completed by the PMC in the case of Progress Reviews.


  •  Project is operating within the mission and scope defined in its top-level project’s charter
  •  Project is operating within the bounds of its own scope
  •  Project is operating in an open and transparent manner
  •  Overall the project is operating according to the Eclipse Development Process.

Things to check:

  • Communication channels advertised
  • Advertised communication channels used
  • Committers are responding to questions
  • Committers are responding to issues
  • Committers are responding to pull/merge/review requests

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The Eclipse Management Organization | Eclipse Foundation

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