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Home » Eclipse Projects » Eclipse RT (runtime) » Include folder in classpath for RCP product using OSGi bundle manifests
Include folder in classpath for RCP product using OSGi bundle manifests [message #997447] Mon, 07 January 2013 14:50
Eclipse UserFriend
We have an RCP product based on features which comprise several plugins. Each plugin uses an OSGi bundle manifest.

One of this plugin contains a set of libraries (Plug-in from Existing JAR Archives) made by third party.

Now the problem -> one of this libraries is looking for a configuration file in the following way:


It is clear that the folder containing the file must be added to the classpath. So I added the following in the manifest of the plugin:

Bundle-ClassPath: resources/

and I placed the configuration file in there.

If I test the product within eclispe the file is found and everything works but, as soon as I export the product, the file is not found anymore (even if the resources folder is included in the exported plugin).

I think that I lack some OSGI property in the run configuration but I have no idea about how to solve the problem...
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