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Home » Archived » GMT (Generative Modeling Technologies) » [TCS] "Unable to determine generatted class" error
[TCS] "Unable to determine generatted class" error [message #379909] Mon, 08 October 2007 14:59 Go to next message
Eclipse UserFriend
Originally posted by:

This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
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Hi all,

I have download the TCSSample (AddressBook) with the TCSToolkit and it
works find :) Then, i have replaced the AddressBook example with my own
TCS file and metamodel (in KM3 and Ecore) and i get in
SampleDSL_InjectorCreation.xml the following error:
"Unable to determine generatted class" while jar generation.

What kind of error could have caused this problem?

(I attach both TCS file and error report)

Thank you very much,
Jose E. Rivera


C:\...SampleDSL_InjectorCreation.xml:5: The following error occurred
while executing this line:
C:\...TCS2JAR\build.xml:23: The following error occurred while executing
this line:
C:\...\TCS2JAR\build.xml:120: Unable to determine generated class

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LS1GQUxUQToNCi0te30gYWN0dWFsbXQgZXMgcGFydGUgZGUgdW4gaWRlbnRp ZmljYWRvciwg
Y3VhbmRvIHBvbmdhbW9zIHBhcmFtZXRyaXphZG8gcG9uZXIgY29uICcsIGFs IGlndWFsIHF1
ZSBlbCByZXN0bzoNCi0tU2kgYfFhZGltb3MgdmFpYWJsZXMgZW4gRWN1YWNp b25lcywgTWVt
YmVyc2hpcHMgeSByZWdsYXMgcG9uZXIgImNvbnRleHQiDQotLSBJbmNsdWly ICJgKCIgfCAi
byBh8WFkaXIgbG8gcXVlIGhhZ2EgZmFsdGENCg0Kc3ludGF4IE1hdWRlIHsN Cg0KDQotLVNp
IHNlIHZhIGEgdXNhciB1bmEgdGVtcGxhdGUgbm8gZGVmYXVsdCBwb25lciB7 YXMgPSBzdHJp
bmdTeW1ib2x9IA0KLS1zdHJpbmdTeW1ib2wgZXMgZWwgbm9ubWJyZSBkZSBs YSB0ZW1wbGF0
ZWZhdWx0IHVzaW5nIE5BTUU6DQoJCXZhbHVlID0gIiV0b2tlbiUiOw0KDQoJ LS1wcmltaXRp
dmVUZW1wbGF0ZSBzdHJpbmdTeW1ib2wgZm9yIFN0cmluZyB1c2luZyBTVFJJ Tkc6DQoJLS0J
dmFsdWUgPSAiJXRva2VuJSIsDQoJLS0Jc2VyaWFsaXplcj0iJ1wnJyArICV2 YWx1ZSUudG9D
U3RyaW5nKCkgKyAnXCcnIjsNCg0KCXByaW1pdGl2ZVRlbXBsYXRlIGludGVn ZXJTeW1ib2wg
dWVPZigldG9rZW4lKSI7DQoNCglwcmltaXRpdmVUZW1wbGF0ZSBmbG9hdFN5 bWJvbCBmb3Ig
KCV0b2tlbiUpIjsNCg0KCXByaW1pdGl2ZVRlbXBsYXRlIGJvb2xlYW5TeW1i b2wgZm9yIEJv
T2YoJXRva2VuJSkiOw0KCQkNCgkNCgl0ZW1wbGF0ZSBGaWxlIG1haW4gY29u dGV4dCA6DQoJ
CVsgbW9kcyBdDQoJCS0tdGVuZHJlbW9zIHF1ZSBpbXByaW1pciBsYXMgdmlz dGFzIGNyZWFk
cmF0b3IgPSAiKyIsIGF1dG9DcmVhdGUgPSBuZXZlcn0gIi4iXXtuYk5MID0g MCAsIGluZGVu
ID0gbmFtZSwgc2VwYXJhdG9yID0gIisiLCBhdXRvQ3JlYXRlID0gbmV2ZXJ9 ICIuIl17bmJO
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ICIrIiwgYXV0b0NyZWF0ZSA9IG5ldmVyfSAiLiJde25iTkwgPSAwICwgaW5k ZW50SW5jciA9
IG5hbWUsIHNlcGFyYXRvciA9ICIrIiwgYXV0b0NyZWF0ZSA9IG5ldmVyfSAi LiJde25iTkwg
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IlsiIHNvcnRze3JlZmVyc1RvID0gbmFtZSwgc2VwYXJhdG9yID0gIiwifSAi XSINCgk7DQoJ
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ID0gbmFtZX0gIi4iDQoJCSkNCgk7DQoJDQoJdGVtcGxhdGUgT3BlcmF0aW9u IDoNCgkJIm9w
IiBuYW1lICI6IiBhcml0eXtyZWZlcnNUbyA9IG5hbWV9ICItPiIgY29hcml0 eXtyZWZlcnNU
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YiIgOiAibWIiICkgdGVybSAiOiIgc29ydHtyZWZlcnNUbyA9IG5hbWV9IChp c0RlZmluZWQo
Y29uZCkgPyAiaWYiIGNvbmQpIChpc0RlZmluZWQoc3RhdGVtZW50QXR0cykg PyAiWyIgc3Rh
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DQoJCWFuZHtzZXBhcmF0b3IgPSAiL1xcIn0NCgk7DQoJDQoJdGVtcGxhdGUg UmV3Q29uZGl0
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biA6DQoJCWxocyAiPSIgcmhzDQoJOw0KCQ0KCXRlbXBsYXRlIEJvb2xlYW5D b25kaXRpb24g
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cyAiOiIgcmhze3JlZmVyc1RvID0gbmFtZX0NCgk7DQoJDQoJdGVtcGxhdGUg RXF1YXRpb24g
ICI9IiBbIHJocyBdIFsgKGlzRGVmaW5lZChjb25kKSA/ICJpZiIgY29uZCkg KGlzRGVmaW5l
IDAgLCBpbmRlbnRJbmNyID0gMH0NCgk7DQoJDQoJdGVtcGxhdGUgQ2xhc3Mg YWRkVG9Db250
ZXh0IDoNCgkJImNsYXNzIiBuYW1lIChpc0RlZmluZWQoYXR0cykgPyAifCIg WyBhdHRze3Nl
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Og0KCQluYW1lICI6IiB0eXBle3JlZmVyc1RvID0gbmFtZX0NCgk7DQoJDQoJ dGVtcGxhdGUg
IE1lc3NhZ2VEY2wgYWRkVG9Db250ZXh0IDoNCgkJIm1zZyIgbmFtZSAiOiIg YXJpdHl7cmVm
LS1jb250ZXh0IDoNCgkJKGlzRGVmaW5lZChjb25kKSA/ICJybCIgOiAiY3Js IiApIChpc0Rl
ZmluZWQobmFtZSkgPyBuYW1lICkgIjoiIFsoaXNEZWZpbmVkKGxocykgPyBs aHMgKV0gICI9
PiIgWyAoaXNEZWZpbmVkKHJocykgPyByaHMgKSBdIChpc0RlZmluZWQoY29u ZCkgPyAiaWYi
IGNvbmQpIChpc0RlZmluZWQoc3RhdGVtZW50QXR0cykgPyAiWyIgc3RhdGVt ZW50QXR0cyAi
bmVkKHN1YmNvbmYpID8gc3ViY29uZiA6ICJub25lIiApDQoJOw0KCQ0KCXRl bXBsYXRlIE9i
amVjdCA6DQoJCSI8IiBvaWQgIjoiIGNsYXNze3JlZmVyc1RvID0gbmFtZX0g InwiIChpc0Rl
cGxhdGUgTWVzc2FnZUluc3QgOg0KCQlkZWNsYXJhdGlvbntyZWZlcnNUbyA9 IG5hbWV9IDxu
b19zcGFjZT4gIigiIGFyZ3N7c2VwYXJhdG9yID0gIiwifSAiKSINCgk7DQoJ DQoJdGVtcGxh
dGUgQXR0cmlidXRlSW5zdCA6DQoJCWRlY2xhcmF0aW9ue3JlZmVyc1RvID0g bmFtZX0gIjoi
ZSA8bm9fc3BhY2U+ICI6IiA8bm9fc3BhY2U+IHR5cGV7cmVmZXJzVG8gPSBu YW1lfQ0KCTsN
Lg0KCTsNCgkNCglzeW1ib2xzIHsNCgkJY29tYQkJPSAiLCIJOiBsZWZ0Tm9u ZSwgcmlnaHRT
cmVuCQk9ICIpIgk6IGxlZnROb25lLCByaWdodFNwYWNlOw0KCQlkb3QJCQk9 ICIuIgk6IGxl
ZnRTcGFjZSwgcmlnaHRTcGFjZTsNCgkJY29sb24JCT0gIjoiCTogbGVmdFNw YWNlLCByaWdo
IjsiCTogbGVmdE5vbmUsIHJpZ2h0U3BhY2U7DQoJCQ0KCQlndAkJCT0gIj4i CTogbGVmdFNw
Ow0KCQlwaXBlCQk9ICJ8Igk6IGxlZnRTcGFjZSwgcmlnaHRTcGFjZTsNCgkJ cmFycm93CQk9
YXJyb3cJCT0gIj0+Igk6IGxlZnRTcGFjZSwgcmlnaHRTcGFjZTsNCgkJY29s b25zCQk9ICI6
YnVsYXJ5ID0gJ1xcMCcgLi4gJ1xcdTAwRkYnOw0KCXRlc3RMaXRlcmFscyA9 IGZhbHNlOw0K
dGwuZW5naW5lLmluamVjdG9ycy5lYm5mLkxvY2F0aW9uVG9rZW4gcmV0ID0g bnVsbDsNCg0K
CQl0b2tlbk9iamVjdENsYXNzID0gb3JnLmF0bC5lbmdpbmUuaW5qZWN0b3Jz LmVibmYuTG9j
YXRpb25Ub2tlbi5jbGFzczsNCgkJcmV0ID0gKG9yZy5hdGwuZW5naW5lLmlu amVjdG9ycy5l
Ym5mLkxvY2F0aW9uVG9rZW4pc3VwZXIubWFrZVRva2VuKHQpOw0KCQlyZXQu c2V0RW5kTGlu
ZShnZXRMaW5lKCkpOw0KCQlyZXQuc2V0RW5kQ29sdW1uKGdldENvbHVtbigp KTsNCg0KCQly
ZXR1cm4gcmV0Ow0KCX0NCg0KfQ0KDQoNCnByb3RlY3RlZA0KTkwNCgk6CSgJ J1xccicgJ1xc
bicNCgkJfAknXFxuJyAnXFxyJwkvL0ltcHJvYmFibGUNCgkJfAknXFxyJw0K CQl8CSdcXG4n
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Buildfile: C:\Documents and Settings\CHICO\Escritorio\MaudeMM\TCSSample\SampleDSL\Sample DSL_InjectorCreation.xml


Overriding previous definition of reference to eclipse.ant.targetVector

[am3.loadModel] Loading of model TCS
[am3.loadModel] Loading of model Maude.tcs
[am3.loadModel] Loading of model KM3
[am3.loadModel] Loading of model Maude.km3
[am3.loadModel] Loading of model ANTLR
[am3.loadModel] Loading of model ANTLR.tcs
[am3.loadModel] Loading of model Problem
[am3.loadModel] Loading of model Problem.tcs

[am3.atl] Executing ATL transformation ../TCSToolkit/ATL/TCS2Problem/TCS2Problem.asm
[am3.query] Executing query
[echo] ${thereAreErrors}

[am3.atl] Executing ATL transformation ../TCSToolkit/ATL/TCS2ANTLR/TCS2ANTLR.asm
[am3.saveModel] Saving model Maude.g
[am3.saveModel] Warning: could not get comments of OUT!Maude, disabling further comments serialization


C:\Documents and Settings\CHICO\Escritorio\MaudeMM\TCSSample\SampleDSL\Sample DSL_InjectorCreation.xml:5: The following error occurred while executing this line:
C:\Documents and Settings\CHICO\Escritorio\MaudeMM\TCSSample\TCSToolkit\TCS2J AR\build.xml:23: The following error occurred while executing this line:
C:\Documents and Settings\CHICO\Escritorio\MaudeMM\TCSSample\TCSToolkit\TCS2J AR\build.xml:120: Unable to determine generated class

Total time: 2 seconds

Re: [TCS] "Unable to determine generatted class" error [message #379923 is a reply to message #379909] Wed, 10 October 2007 09:32 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Juancho  is currently offline Juancho Friend
Messages: 17
Registered: July 2009
Junior Member
Hi Jose

I'm facing the very same error in a much more simpler situation.
I'm just trying to make some tests with the KM3 concrete syntax.

Did you manage to find the problem??

I'll try to give more details:
· BTW I'm using the KM3.km3 and KM3.tcs files from the ZOO, so I hope I
have not been able to introduce any mistake on the TCS coding :-)
· The same Eclipse configuration works fine for the SPL language. I have
been able to run both the injector and the extractor for this language

Thanks on advance for any help regarding this matter.

Jose E. Rivera escribió:
> Hi all,
> I have download the TCSSample (AddressBook) with the TCSToolkit and it
> works find :) Then, i have replaced the AddressBook example with my own
> TCS file and metamodel (in KM3 and Ecore) and i get in
> SampleDSL_InjectorCreation.xml the following error:
> "Unable to determine generatted class" while jar generation.
> What kind of error could have caused this problem?
> (I attach both TCS file and error report)
> Thank you very much,
> Jose E. Rivera
> ....
> JARGeneration:
> C:\...SampleDSL_InjectorCreation.xml:5: The following error occurred
> while executing this line:
> C:\...TCS2JAR\build.xml:23: The following error occurred while executing
> this line:
> C:\...\TCS2JAR\build.xml:120: Unable to determine generated class
> ....
Re: [TCS] "Unable to determine generatted class" error [message #379925 is a reply to message #379923] Wed, 10 October 2007 14:10 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Eclipse UserFriend
Originally posted by:

This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit


It is likely that the ANTLR grammar is generated broken.
Could you check or post it ?


Juan M. Vara a
Re: [TCS] "Unable to determine generatted class" error [message #379928 is a reply to message #379925] Wed, 10 October 2007 14:33 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Juancho  is currently offline Juancho Friend
Messages: 17
Registered: July 2009
Junior Member
This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

Sorry, but I'm not able to see what is the problem in the grammar.
(if there is). Here it is.

Many thanks.

Quentin Glineur escribi
Re: [TCS] "Unable to determine generatted class" error [message #379930 is a reply to message #379925] Wed, 10 October 2007 17:52 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Juancho  is currently offline Juancho Friend
Messages: 17
Registered: July 2009
Junior Member
Hi again Quentin

Just to prevent you :-)
Freddy told me it could be some problem with the TCS version. So, in the
meantime I'm trying with the lates one to check if the problem was there.

I'll tell you about the result.

Thanks again

Quentin Glineur escribió:
> Hi,
> It is likely that the ANTLR grammar is generated broken.
> Could you check or post it ?
> Quentin GLINEUR
> Juan M. Vara a écrit :
>> Hi Jose
>> I'm facing the very same error in a much more simpler situation.
>> I'm just trying to make some tests with the KM3 concrete syntax.
>> Did you manage to find the problem??
>> I'll try to give more details:
>> · BTW I'm using the KM3.km3 and KM3.tcs files from the ZOO, so I hope
>> I have not been able to introduce any mistake on the TCS coding :-)
>> · The same Eclipse configuration works fine for the SPL language. I
>> have been able to run both the injector and the extractor for this
>> language
>> Thanks on advance for any help regarding this matter.
>> Juancho
>> Jose E. Rivera escribió:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I have download the TCSSample (AddressBook) with the TCSToolkit and
>>> it works find :) Then, i have replaced the AddressBook example with
>>> my own TCS file and metamodel (in KM3 and Ecore) and i get in
>>> SampleDSL_InjectorCreation.xml the following error:
>>> "Unable to determine generatted class" while jar generation.
>>> What kind of error could have caused this problem?
>>> (I attach both TCS file and error report)
>>> Thank you very much,
>>> Jose E. Rivera
>>> ....
>>> JARGeneration:
>>> C:\...SampleDSL_InjectorCreation.xml:5: The following error occurred
>>> while executing this line:
>>> C:\...TCS2JAR\build.xml:23: The following error occurred while
>>> executing this line:
>>> C:\...\TCS2JAR\build.xml:120: Unable to determine generated class
>>> ....
Re: [TCS] "Unable to determine generatted class" error [message #379937 is a reply to message #379930] Thu, 11 October 2007 10:54 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Eclipse UserFriend
Originally posted by:

Hi all,

thank you very much. I'm trying also with the new version
( If I find a solution I
wil tell you about.
With the new version, apart from the Language Builder, do I need
SampleDSL_InjectorCreation.xml as in the sample project of the AdressBook?

Thank you in advance,
Jose E. Rivera

Juan M. Vara escribió:
> Hi again Quentin
> Just to prevent you :-)
> Freddy told me it could be some problem with the TCS version. So, in the
> meantime I'm trying with the lates one to check if the problem was there.
> I'll tell you about the result.
> Thanks again
> Juancho
> Quentin Glineur escribió:
>> Hi,
>> It is likely that the ANTLR grammar is generated broken.
>> Could you check or post it ?
>> Quentin GLINEUR
>> Juan M. Vara a écrit :
>>> Hi Jose
>>> I'm facing the very same error in a much more simpler situation.
>>> I'm just trying to make some tests with the KM3 concrete syntax.
>>> Did you manage to find the problem??
>>> I'll try to give more details:
>>> · BTW I'm using the KM3.km3 and KM3.tcs files from the ZOO, so I hope
>>> I have not been able to introduce any mistake on the TCS coding :-)
>>> · The same Eclipse configuration works fine for the SPL language. I
>>> have been able to run both the injector and the extractor for this
>>> language
>>> Thanks on advance for any help regarding this matter.
>>> Juancho
>>> Jose E. Rivera escribió:
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> I have download the TCSSample (AddressBook) with the TCSToolkit and
>>>> it works find :) Then, i have replaced the AddressBook example with
>>>> my own TCS file and metamodel (in KM3 and Ecore) and i get in
>>>> SampleDSL_InjectorCreation.xml the following error:
>>>> "Unable to determine generatted class" while jar generation.
>>>> What kind of error could have caused this problem?
>>>> (I attach both TCS file and error report)
>>>> Thank you very much,
>>>> Jose E. Rivera
>>>> ....
>>>> JARGeneration:
>>>> C:\...SampleDSL_InjectorCreation.xml:5: The following error occurred
>>>> while executing this line:
>>>> C:\...TCS2JAR\build.xml:23: The following error occurred while
>>>> executing this line:
>>>> C:\...\TCS2JAR\build.xml:120: Unable to determine generated class
>>>> ....
Re: [TCS] "Unable to determine generatted class" error [message #380148 is a reply to message #379930] Thu, 11 October 2007 14:54 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Eclipse UserFriend
Originally posted by:

This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit


Indeed the generated grammar seems to be corrupted. It looks like a mix
between ANTLR v2 and v3 along with other problem.

I think you should try to update your environement (eclipse, emf, and
AMMA core + AMMA scipts).



Juan M. Vara a
Re: [TCS] "Unable to determine generatted class" error [message #380150 is a reply to message #379937] Thu, 11 October 2007 14:59 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Freddy Allilaire is currently offline Freddy AllilaireFriend
Messages: 130
Registered: July 2009
Senior Member
Hi Jose,

The file will replace it.


Jose E. Rivera a écrit :
> Hi all,
> thank you very much. I'm trying also with the new version
> ( If I find a solution I
> wil tell you about.
> With the new version, apart from the Language Builder, do I need
> SampleDSL_InjectorCreation.xml as in the sample project of the AdressBook?
> Thank you in advance,
> Jose E. Rivera
> Juan M. Vara escribió:
>> Hi again Quentin
>> Just to prevent you :-)
>> Freddy told me it could be some problem with the TCS version. So, in
>> the meantime I'm trying with the lates one to check if the problem was
>> there.
>> I'll tell you about the result.
>> Thanks again
>> Juancho
>> Quentin Glineur escribió:
>>> Hi,
>>> It is likely that the ANTLR grammar is generated broken.
>>> Could you check or post it ?
>>> Quentin GLINEUR
>>> Juan M. Vara a écrit :
>>>> Hi Jose
>>>> I'm facing the very same error in a much more simpler situation.
>>>> I'm just trying to make some tests with the KM3 concrete syntax.
>>>> Did you manage to find the problem??
>>>> I'll try to give more details:
>>>> · BTW I'm using the KM3.km3 and KM3.tcs files from the ZOO, so I
>>>> hope I have not been able to introduce any mistake on the TCS coding
>>>> :-)
>>>> · The same Eclipse configuration works fine for the SPL language. I
>>>> have been able to run both the injector and the extractor for this
>>>> language
>>>> Thanks on advance for any help regarding this matter.
>>>> Juancho
>>>> Jose E. Rivera escribió:
>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>> I have download the TCSSample (AddressBook) with the TCSToolkit and
>>>>> it works find :) Then, i have replaced the AddressBook example with
>>>>> my own TCS file and metamodel (in KM3 and Ecore) and i get in
>>>>> SampleDSL_InjectorCreation.xml the following error:
>>>>> "Unable to determine generatted class" while jar generation.
>>>>> What kind of error could have caused this problem?
>>>>> (I attach both TCS file and error report)
>>>>> Thank you very much,
>>>>> Jose E. Rivera
>>>>> ....
>>>>> JARGeneration:
>>>>> C:\...SampleDSL_InjectorCreation.xml:5: The following error
>>>>> occurred while executing this line:
>>>>> C:\...TCS2JAR\build.xml:23: The following error occurred while
>>>>> executing this line:
>>>>> C:\...\TCS2JAR\build.xml:120: Unable to determine generated class
>>>>> ....

Freddy Allilaire - ATLAS Group (INRIA & LINA) e
Re: [TCS] "Unable to determine generatted class" error [message #380152 is a reply to message #379937] Thu, 11 October 2007 16:00 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Juancho  is currently offline Juancho Friend
Messages: 17
Registered: July 2009
Junior Member
Hi again Jose

As I told you before I had the same problem.
With the new version it seems to be solved.

BTW Freddy has just updated the wiki on how to create and launch
projects with the new version.

Hope this helps.

Jose E. Rivera escribió:
> Hi all,
> thank you very much. I'm trying also with the new version
> ( If I find a solution I
> wil tell you about.
> With the new version, apart from the Language Builder, do I need
> SampleDSL_InjectorCreation.xml as in the sample project of the AdressBook?
> Thank you in advance,
> Jose E. Rivera
> Juan M. Vara escribió:
>> Hi again Quentin
>> Just to prevent you :-)
>> Freddy told me it could be some problem with the TCS version. So, in
>> the meantime I'm trying with the lates one to check if the problem was
>> there.
>> I'll tell you about the result.
>> Thanks again
>> Juancho
>> Quentin Glineur escribió:
>>> Hi,
>>> It is likely that the ANTLR grammar is generated broken.
>>> Could you check or post it ?
>>> Quentin GLINEUR
>>> Juan M. Vara a écrit :
>>>> Hi Jose
>>>> I'm facing the very same error in a much more simpler situation.
>>>> I'm just trying to make some tests with the KM3 concrete syntax.
>>>> Did you manage to find the problem??
>>>> I'll try to give more details:
>>>> · BTW I'm using the KM3.km3 and KM3.tcs files from the ZOO, so I
>>>> hope I have not been able to introduce any mistake on the TCS coding
>>>> :-)
>>>> · The same Eclipse configuration works fine for the SPL language. I
>>>> have been able to run both the injector and the extractor for this
>>>> language
>>>> Thanks on advance for any help regarding this matter.
>>>> Juancho
>>>> Jose E. Rivera escribió:
>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>> I have download the TCSSample (AddressBook) with the TCSToolkit and
>>>>> it works find :) Then, i have replaced the AddressBook example with
>>>>> my own TCS file and metamodel (in KM3 and Ecore) and i get in
>>>>> SampleDSL_InjectorCreation.xml the following error:
>>>>> "Unable to determine generatted class" while jar generation.
>>>>> What kind of error could have caused this problem?
>>>>> (I attach both TCS file and error report)
>>>>> Thank you very much,
>>>>> Jose E. Rivera
>>>>> ....
>>>>> JARGeneration:
>>>>> C:\...SampleDSL_InjectorCreation.xml:5: The following error
>>>>> occurred while executing this line:
>>>>> C:\...TCS2JAR\build.xml:23: The following error occurred while
>>>>> executing this line:
>>>>> C:\...\TCS2JAR\build.xml:120: Unable to determine generated class
>>>>> ....
Re: [TCS] "Unable to determine generatted class" error [message #380159 is a reply to message #380152] Wed, 17 October 2007 17:48 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Eclipse UserFriend
Originally posted by:

Hi all again,

I have been trying with new versions, but i didn't succeed :(

I have tried with the last ATL Bundle
( and also with the
configuration: Eclipse 3.3.1, EMF 2.3.1 and ATL version from CVS.
I have followed all the steps mentioned in the Language project website
( but I got the same error
in both configuration:

Problem: failed to create task or type

I know there's nothing to do with my example, and that it's about ant
tasks. But I have copied the libs that Amma Scripts need, I have
included them in the classpath, i have even copied them in tha
ants/lib...I have also copied ant-contrib... But it doesn't work, it
fails while building the project.

Do I need another plug-in / library? (I have of course imported AMMACore
and AMMAScripst)

Thank you very much,
Jose E. Rivera

Error report: (while building)

C:\...\AMMAScripts\build.dsl.xml:56: The following error occurred while
executing this line:
C:\...\AMMAScripts\build.dsl.xml:83: The following error occurred while
executing this line:
C:\...\AMMAScripts\build.syntax.xml:81: The following error occurred
while executing this line:
C:\...\AMMAScripts\build.syntax.xml:198: Problem: failed to create task
or type antlib:org/apache/tools/ant/antlr:antlr3

Juan M. Vara escribió:
> Hi again Jose
> As I told you before I had the same problem.
> With the new version it seems to be solved.
> BTW Freddy has just updated the wiki on how to create and launch
> projects with the new version.
> Hope this helps.
> Juancho
> Jose E. Rivera escribió:
>> Hi all,
>> thank you very much. I'm trying also with the new version
>> ( If I find a solution I
>> wil tell you about.
>> With the new version, apart from the Language Builder, do I need
>> SampleDSL_InjectorCreation.xml as in the sample project of the
>> AdressBook?
>> Thank you in advance,
>> Jose E. Rivera
>> Juan M. Vara escribió:
>>> Hi again Quentin
>>> Just to prevent you :-)
>>> Freddy told me it could be some problem with the TCS version. So, in
>>> the meantime I'm trying with the lates one to check if the problem
>>> was there.
>>> I'll tell you about the result.
>>> Thanks again
>>> Juancho
>>> Quentin Glineur escribió:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> It is likely that the ANTLR grammar is generated broken.
>>>> Could you check or post it ?
>>>> Quentin GLINEUR
>>>> Juan M. Vara a écrit :
>>>>> Hi Jose
>>>>> I'm facing the very same error in a much more simpler situation.
>>>>> I'm just trying to make some tests with the KM3 concrete syntax.
>>>>> Did you manage to find the problem??
>>>>> I'll try to give more details:
>>>>> · BTW I'm using the KM3.km3 and KM3.tcs files from the ZOO, so I
>>>>> hope I have not been able to introduce any mistake on the TCS
>>>>> coding :-)
>>>>> · The same Eclipse configuration works fine for the SPL language. I
>>>>> have been able to run both the injector and the extractor for this
>>>>> language
>>>>> Thanks on advance for any help regarding this matter.
>>>>> Juancho
>>>>> Jose E. Rivera escribió:
>>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>>> I have download the TCSSample (AddressBook) with the TCSToolkit
>>>>>> and it works find :) Then, i have replaced the AddressBook example
>>>>>> with my own TCS file and metamodel (in KM3 and Ecore) and i get in
>>>>>> SampleDSL_InjectorCreation.xml the following error:
>>>>>> "Unable to determine generatted class" while jar generation.
>>>>>> What kind of error could have caused this problem?
>>>>>> (I attach both TCS file and error report)
>>>>>> Thank you very much,
>>>>>> Jose E. Rivera
>>>>>> ....
>>>>>> JARGeneration:
>>>>>> C:\...SampleDSL_InjectorCreation.xml:5: The following error
>>>>>> occurred while executing this line:
>>>>>> C:\...TCS2JAR\build.xml:23: The following error occurred while
>>>>>> executing this line:
>>>>>> C:\...\TCS2JAR\build.xml:120: Unable to determine generated class
>>>>>> ....
Re: [TCS] "Unable to determine generatted class" error [message #380164 is a reply to message #380159] Wed, 17 October 2007 22:10 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Freddy Allilaire is currently offline Freddy AllilaireFriend
Messages: 130
Registered: July 2009
Senior Member
Hi Jose,

To use the new version of TCS, you need last versions of ATL & AM3 from CVS.

In your problem, Antlr3 ant task is not found. The problem should come
from the ant builder configuration, more especially from the additional
libs. Could you retry to download them (it seems there was a problem
with these libs on the server)?


Jose E. Rivera a écrit :
> Hi all again,
> I have been trying with new versions, but i didn't succeed :(
> I have tried with the last ATL Bundle
> ( and also with the
> configuration: Eclipse 3.3.1, EMF 2.3.1 and ATL version from CVS.
> I have followed all the steps mentioned in the Language project website
> ( but I got the same error
> in both configuration:
> Problem: failed to create task or type
> antlib:org/apache/tools/ant/antlr:antlr3
> I know there's nothing to do with my example, and that it's about ant
> tasks. But I have copied the libs that Amma Scripts need, I have
> included them in the classpath, i have even copied them in tha
> ants/lib...I have also copied ant-contrib... But it doesn't work, it
> fails while building the project.
> Do I need another plug-in / library? (I have of course imported AMMACore
> and AMMAScripst)
> Thank you very much,
> Jose E. Rivera
> *****************************************
> Error report: (while building)
> C:\...\AMMAScripts\build.dsl.xml:56: The following error occurred while
> executing this line:
> C:\...\AMMAScripts\build.dsl.xml:83: The following error occurred while
> executing this line:
> C:\...\AMMAScripts\build.syntax.xml:81: The following error occurred
> while executing this line:
> C:\...\AMMAScripts\build.syntax.xml:198: Problem: failed to create task
> or type antlib:org/apache/tools/ant/antlr:antlr3
> Juan M. Vara escribió:
>> Hi again Jose
>> As I told you before I had the same problem.
>> With the new version it seems to be solved.
>> BTW Freddy has just updated the wiki on how to create and launch
>> projects with the new version.
>> Hope this helps.
>> Juancho
>> Jose E. Rivera escribió:
>>> Hi all,
>>> thank you very much. I'm trying also with the new version
>>> ( If I find a solution
>>> I wil tell you about.
>>> With the new version, apart from the Language Builder, do I need
>>> SampleDSL_InjectorCreation.xml as in the sample project of the
>>> AdressBook?
>>> Thank you in advance,
>>> Jose E. Rivera
>>> Juan M. Vara escribió:
>>>> Hi again Quentin
>>>> Just to prevent you :-)
>>>> Freddy told me it could be some problem with the TCS version. So, in
>>>> the meantime I'm trying with the lates one to check if the problem
>>>> was there.
>>>> I'll tell you about the result.
>>>> Thanks again
>>>> Juancho
>>>> Quentin Glineur escribió:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> It is likely that the ANTLR grammar is generated broken.
>>>>> Could you check or post it ?
>>>>> Quentin GLINEUR
>>>>> Juan M. Vara a écrit :
>>>>>> Hi Jose
>>>>>> I'm facing the very same error in a much more simpler situation.
>>>>>> I'm just trying to make some tests with the KM3 concrete syntax.
>>>>>> Did you manage to find the problem??
>>>>>> I'll try to give more details:
>>>>>> · BTW I'm using the KM3.km3 and KM3.tcs files from the ZOO, so I
>>>>>> hope I have not been able to introduce any mistake on the TCS
>>>>>> coding :-)
>>>>>> · The same Eclipse configuration works fine for the SPL language.
>>>>>> I have been able to run both the injector and the extractor for
>>>>>> this language
>>>>>> Thanks on advance for any help regarding this matter.
>>>>>> Juancho
>>>>>> Jose E. Rivera escribió:
>>>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>>>> I have download the TCSSample (AddressBook) with the TCSToolkit
>>>>>>> and it works find :) Then, i have replaced the AddressBook
>>>>>>> example with my own TCS file and metamodel (in KM3 and Ecore) and
>>>>>>> i get in SampleDSL_InjectorCreation.xml the following error:
>>>>>>> "Unable to determine generatted class" while jar generation.
>>>>>>> What kind of error could have caused this problem?
>>>>>>> (I attach both TCS file and error report)
>>>>>>> Thank you very much,
>>>>>>> Jose E. Rivera
>>>>>>> ....
>>>>>>> JARGeneration:
>>>>>>> C:\...SampleDSL_InjectorCreation.xml:5: The following error
>>>>>>> occurred while executing this line:
>>>>>>> C:\...TCS2JAR\build.xml:23: The following error occurred while
>>>>>>> executing this line:
>>>>>>> C:\...\TCS2JAR\build.xml:120: Unable to determine generated class
>>>>>>> ....
Re: [TCS] "Unable to determine generatted class" error [message #380168 is a reply to message #380164] Thu, 18 October 2007 09:08 Go to previous message
Eclipse UserFriend
Originally posted by:

Hi Freddy,

Thank you very much, now it works (after downloading them again). Now I
only have errors from my own TCS specification :)

Thank you again,
Jose E. Rivera

Freddy Allilaire escribió:
> Hi Jose,
> To use the new version of TCS, you need last versions of ATL & AM3 from
> CVS.
> In your problem, Antlr3 ant task is not found. The problem should come
> from the ant builder configuration, more especially from the additional
> libs. Could you retry to download them (it seems there was a problem
> with these libs on the server)?
> Regards,
> Freddy.
> Jose E. Rivera a écrit :
>> Hi all again,
>> I have been trying with new versions, but i didn't succeed :(
>> I have tried with the last ATL Bundle
>> ( and also with the
>> configuration: Eclipse 3.3.1, EMF 2.3.1 and ATL version from CVS.
>> I have followed all the steps mentioned in the Language project
>> website ( but I got the
>> same error in both configuration:
>> Problem: failed to create task or type
>> antlib:org/apache/tools/ant/antlr:antlr3
>> I know there's nothing to do with my example, and that it's about ant
>> tasks. But I have copied the libs that Amma Scripts need, I have
>> included them in the classpath, i have even copied them in tha
>> ants/lib...I have also copied ant-contrib... But it doesn't work, it
>> fails while building the project.
>> Do I need another plug-in / library? (I have of course imported
>> AMMACore and AMMAScripst)
>> Thank you very much,
>> Jose E. Rivera
>> *****************************************
>> Error report: (while building)
>> C:\...\AMMAScripts\build.dsl.xml:56: The following error occurred
>> while executing this line:
>> C:\...\AMMAScripts\build.dsl.xml:83: The following error occurred
>> while executing this line:
>> C:\...\AMMAScripts\build.syntax.xml:81: The following error occurred
>> while executing this line:
>> C:\...\AMMAScripts\build.syntax.xml:198: Problem: failed to create
>> task or type antlib:org/apache/tools/ant/antlr:antlr3
>> Juan M. Vara escribió:
>>> Hi again Jose
>>> As I told you before I had the same problem.
>>> With the new version it seems to be solved.
>>> BTW Freddy has just updated the wiki on how to create and launch
>>> projects with the new version.
>>> Hope this helps.
>>> Juancho
>>> Jose E. Rivera escribió:
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> thank you very much. I'm trying also with the new version
>>>> ( If I find a solution
>>>> I wil tell you about.
>>>> With the new version, apart from the Language Builder, do I need
>>>> SampleDSL_InjectorCreation.xml as in the sample project of the
>>>> AdressBook?
>>>> Thank you in advance,
>>>> Jose E. Rivera
>>>> Juan M. Vara escribió:
>>>>> Hi again Quentin
>>>>> Just to prevent you :-)
>>>>> Freddy told me it could be some problem with the TCS version. So,
>>>>> in the meantime I'm trying with the lates one to check if the
>>>>> problem was there.
>>>>> I'll tell you about the result.
>>>>> Thanks again
>>>>> Juancho
>>>>> Quentin Glineur escribió:
>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>> It is likely that the ANTLR grammar is generated broken.
>>>>>> Could you check or post it ?
>>>>>> Quentin GLINEUR
>>>>>> Juan M. Vara a écrit :
>>>>>>> Hi Jose
>>>>>>> I'm facing the very same error in a much more simpler situation.
>>>>>>> I'm just trying to make some tests with the KM3 concrete syntax.
>>>>>>> Did you manage to find the problem??
>>>>>>> I'll try to give more details:
>>>>>>> · BTW I'm using the KM3.km3 and KM3.tcs files from the ZOO, so I
>>>>>>> hope I have not been able to introduce any mistake on the TCS
>>>>>>> coding :-)
>>>>>>> · The same Eclipse configuration works fine for the SPL language.
>>>>>>> I have been able to run both the injector and the extractor for
>>>>>>> this language
>>>>>>> Thanks on advance for any help regarding this matter.
>>>>>>> Juancho
>>>>>>> Jose E. Rivera escribió:
>>>>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>>>>> I have download the TCSSample (AddressBook) with the TCSToolkit
>>>>>>>> and it works find :) Then, i have replaced the AddressBook
>>>>>>>> example with my own TCS file and metamodel (in KM3 and Ecore)
>>>>>>>> and i get in SampleDSL_InjectorCreation.xml the following error:
>>>>>>>> "Unable to determine generatted class" while jar generation.
>>>>>>>> What kind of error could have caused this problem?
>>>>>>>> (I attach both TCS file and error report)
>>>>>>>> Thank you very much,
>>>>>>>> Jose E. Rivera
>>>>>>>> ....
>>>>>>>> JARGeneration:
>>>>>>>> C:\...SampleDSL_InjectorCreation.xml:5: The following error
>>>>>>>> occurred while executing this line:
>>>>>>>> C:\...TCS2JAR\build.xml:23: The following error occurred while
>>>>>>>> executing this line:
>>>>>>>> C:\...\TCS2JAR\build.xml:120: Unable to determine generated class
>>>>>>>> ....
Re: [TCS] "Unable to determine generatted class" error [message #608137 is a reply to message #379909] Wed, 10 October 2007 09:32 Go to previous message
Juancho  is currently offline Juancho Friend
Messages: 17
Registered: July 2009
Junior Member
Hi Jose

I'm facing the very same error in a much more simpler situation.
I'm just trying to make some tests with the KM3 concrete syntax.

Did you manage to find the problem??

I'll try to give more details:
· BTW I'm using the KM3.km3 and KM3.tcs files from the ZOO, so I hope I
have not been able to introduce any mistake on the TCS coding :-)
· The same Eclipse configuration works fine for the SPL language. I have
been able to run both the injector and the extractor for this language

Thanks on advance for any help regarding this matter.

Jose E. Rivera escribió:
> Hi all,
> I have download the TCSSample (AddressBook) with the TCSToolkit and it
> works find :) Then, i have replaced the AddressBook example with my own
> TCS file and metamodel (in KM3 and Ecore) and i get in
> SampleDSL_InjectorCreation.xml the following error:
> "Unable to determine generatted class" while jar generation.
> What kind of error could have caused this problem?
> (I attach both TCS file and error report)
> Thank you very much,
> Jose E. Rivera
> ....
> JARGeneration:
> C:\...SampleDSL_InjectorCreation.xml:5: The following error occurred
> while executing this line:
> C:\...TCS2JAR\build.xml:23: The following error occurred while executing
> this line:
> C:\...\TCS2JAR\build.xml:120: Unable to determine generated class
> ....
Re: [TCS] "Unable to determine generatted class" error [message #608138 is a reply to message #379923] Wed, 10 October 2007 14:10 Go to previous message
Eclipse UserFriend
Originally posted by:

This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit


It is likely that the ANTLR grammar is generated broken.
Could you check or post it ?


Juan M. Vara a
Re: [TCS] "Unable to determine generatted class" error [message #608139 is a reply to message #379925] Wed, 10 October 2007 14:33 Go to previous message
Juancho  is currently offline Juancho Friend
Messages: 17
Registered: July 2009
Junior Member
This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

Sorry, but I'm not able to see what is the problem in the grammar.
(if there is). Here it is.

Many thanks.

Quentin Glineur escribi
Re: [TCS] "Unable to determine generatted class" error [message #608140 is a reply to message #379925] Wed, 10 October 2007 17:52 Go to previous message
Juancho  is currently offline Juancho Friend
Messages: 17
Registered: July 2009
Junior Member
Hi again Quentin

Just to prevent you :-)
Freddy told me it could be some problem with the TCS version. So, in the
meantime I'm trying with the lates one to check if the problem was there.

I'll tell you about the result.

Thanks again

Quentin Glineur escribió:
> Hi,
> It is likely that the ANTLR grammar is generated broken.
> Could you check or post it ?
> Quentin GLINEUR
> Juan M. Vara a écrit :
>> Hi Jose
>> I'm facing the very same error in a much more simpler situation.
>> I'm just trying to make some tests with the KM3 concrete syntax.
>> Did you manage to find the problem??
>> I'll try to give more details:
>> · BTW I'm using the KM3.km3 and KM3.tcs files from the ZOO, so I hope
>> I have not been able to introduce any mistake on the TCS coding :-)
>> · The same Eclipse configuration works fine for the SPL language. I
>> have been able to run both the injector and the extractor for this
>> language
>> Thanks on advance for any help regarding this matter.
>> Juancho
>> Jose E. Rivera escribió:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I have download the TCSSample (AddressBook) with the TCSToolkit and
>>> it works find :) Then, i have replaced the AddressBook example with
>>> my own TCS file and metamodel (in KM3 and Ecore) and i get in
>>> SampleDSL_InjectorCreation.xml the following error:
>>> "Unable to determine generatted class" while jar generation.
>>> What kind of error could have caused this problem?
>>> (I attach both TCS file and error report)
>>> Thank you very much,
>>> Jose E. Rivera
>>> ....
>>> JARGeneration:
>>> C:\...SampleDSL_InjectorCreation.xml:5: The following error occurred
>>> while executing this line:
>>> C:\...TCS2JAR\build.xml:23: The following error occurred while
>>> executing this line:
>>> C:\...\TCS2JAR\build.xml:120: Unable to determine generated class
>>> ....
Re: [TCS] "Unable to determine generatted class" error [message #608144 is a reply to message #379930] Thu, 11 October 2007 10:54 Go to previous message
Eclipse UserFriend
Originally posted by:

Hi all,

thank you very much. I'm trying also with the new version
( If I find a solution I
wil tell you about.
With the new version, apart from the Language Builder, do I need
SampleDSL_InjectorCreation.xml as in the sample project of the AdressBook?

Thank you in advance,
Jose E. Rivera

Juan M. Vara escribió:
> Hi again Quentin
> Just to prevent you :-)
> Freddy told me it could be some problem with the TCS version. So, in the
> meantime I'm trying with the lates one to check if the problem was there.
> I'll tell you about the result.
> Thanks again
> Juancho
> Quentin Glineur escribió:
>> Hi,
>> It is likely that the ANTLR grammar is generated broken.
>> Could you check or post it ?
>> Quentin GLINEUR
>> Juan M. Vara a écrit :
>>> Hi Jose
>>> I'm facing the very same error in a much more simpler situation.
>>> I'm just trying to make some tests with the KM3 concrete syntax.
>>> Did you manage to find the problem??
>>> I'll try to give more details:
>>> · BTW I'm using the KM3.km3 and KM3.tcs files from the ZOO, so I hope
>>> I have not been able to introduce any mistake on the TCS coding :-)
>>> · The same Eclipse configuration works fine for the SPL language. I
>>> have been able to run both the injector and the extractor for this
>>> language
>>> Thanks on advance for any help regarding this matter.
>>> Juancho
>>> Jose E. Rivera escribió:
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> I have download the TCSSample (AddressBook) with the TCSToolkit and
>>>> it works find :) Then, i have replaced the AddressBook example with
>>>> my own TCS file and metamodel (in KM3 and Ecore) and i get in
>>>> SampleDSL_InjectorCreation.xml the following error:
>>>> "Unable to determine generatted class" while jar generation.
>>>> What kind of error could have caused this problem?
>>>> (I attach both TCS file and error report)
>>>> Thank you very much,
>>>> Jose E. Rivera
>>>> ....
>>>> JARGeneration:
>>>> C:\...SampleDSL_InjectorCreation.xml:5: The following error occurred
>>>> while executing this line:
>>>> C:\...TCS2JAR\build.xml:23: The following error occurred while
>>>> executing this line:
>>>> C:\...\TCS2JAR\build.xml:120: Unable to determine generated class
>>>> ....
Re: [TCS] "Unable to determine generatted class" error [message #608148 is a reply to message #379930] Thu, 11 October 2007 14:54 Go to previous message
Eclipse UserFriend
Originally posted by:

This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit


Indeed the generated grammar seems to be corrupted. It looks like a mix
between ANTLR v2 and v3 along with other problem.

I think you should try to update your environement (eclipse, emf, and
AMMA core + AMMA scipts).



Juan M. Vara a
Re: [TCS] "Unable to determine generatted class" error [message #608149 is a reply to message #379937] Thu, 11 October 2007 14:59 Go to previous message
Freddy Allilaire is currently offline Freddy AllilaireFriend
Messages: 130
Registered: July 2009
Senior Member
Hi Jose,

The file will replace it.


Jose E. Rivera a écrit :
> Hi all,
> thank you very much. I'm trying also with the new version
> ( If I find a solution I
> wil tell you about.
> With the new version, apart from the Language Builder, do I need
> SampleDSL_InjectorCreation.xml as in the sample project of the AdressBook?
> Thank you in advance,
> Jose E. Rivera
> Juan M. Vara escribió:
>> Hi again Quentin
>> Just to prevent you :-)
>> Freddy told me it could be some problem with the TCS version. So, in
>> the meantime I'm trying with the lates one to check if the problem was
>> there.
>> I'll tell you about the result.
>> Thanks again
>> Juancho
>> Quentin Glineur escribió:
>>> Hi,
>>> It is likely that the ANTLR grammar is generated broken.
>>> Could you check or post it ?
>>> Quentin GLINEUR
>>> Juan M. Vara a écrit :
>>>> Hi Jose
>>>> I'm facing the very same error in a much more simpler situation.
>>>> I'm just trying to make some tests with the KM3 concrete syntax.
>>>> Did you manage to find the problem??
>>>> I'll try to give more details:
>>>> · BTW I'm using the KM3.km3 and KM3.tcs files from the ZOO, so I
>>>> hope I have not been able to introduce any mistake on the TCS coding
>>>> :-)
>>>> · The same Eclipse configuration works fine for the SPL language. I
>>>> have been able to run both the injector and the extractor for this
>>>> language
>>>> Thanks on advance for any help regarding this matter.
>>>> Juancho
>>>> Jose E. Rivera escribió:
>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>> I have download the TCSSample (AddressBook) with the TCSToolkit and
>>>>> it works find :) Then, i have replaced the AddressBook example with
>>>>> my own TCS file and metamodel (in KM3 and Ecore) and i get in
>>>>> SampleDSL_InjectorCreation.xml the following error:
>>>>> "Unable to determine generatted class" while jar generation.
>>>>> What kind of error could have caused this problem?
>>>>> (I attach both TCS file and error report)
>>>>> Thank you very much,
>>>>> Jose E. Rivera
>>>>> ....
>>>>> JARGeneration:
>>>>> C:\...SampleDSL_InjectorCreation.xml:5: The following error
>>>>> occurred while executing this line:
>>>>> C:\...TCS2JAR\build.xml:23: The following error occurred while
>>>>> executing this line:
>>>>> C:\...\TCS2JAR\build.xml:120: Unable to determine generated class
>>>>> ....

Freddy Allilaire - ATLAS Group (INRIA & LINA) e
Re: [TCS] "Unable to determine generatted class" error [message #608150 is a reply to message #379937] Thu, 11 October 2007 16:00 Go to previous message
Juancho  is currently offline Juancho Friend
Messages: 17
Registered: July 2009
Junior Member
Hi again Jose

As I told you before I had the same problem.
With the new version it seems to be solved.

BTW Freddy has just updated the wiki on how to create and launch
projects with the new version.

Hope this helps.

Jose E. Rivera escribió:
> Hi all,
> thank you very much. I'm trying also with the new version
> ( If I find a solution I
> wil tell you about.
> With the new version, apart from the Language Builder, do I need
> SampleDSL_InjectorCreation.xml as in the sample project of the AdressBook?
> Thank you in advance,
> Jose E. Rivera
> Juan M. Vara escribió:
>> Hi again Quentin
>> Just to prevent you :-)
>> Freddy told me it could be some problem with the TCS version. So, in
>> the meantime I'm trying with the lates one to check if the problem was
>> there.
>> I'll tell you about the result.
>> Thanks again
>> Juancho
>> Quentin Glineur escribió:
>>> Hi,
>>> It is likely that the ANTLR grammar is generated broken.
>>> Could you check or post it ?
>>> Quentin GLINEUR
>>> Juan M. Vara a écrit :
>>>> Hi Jose
>>>> I'm facing the very same error in a much more simpler situation.
>>>> I'm just trying to make some tests with the KM3 concrete syntax.
>>>> Did you manage to find the problem??
>>>> I'll try to give more details:
>>>> · BTW I'm using the KM3.km3 and KM3.tcs files from the ZOO, so I
>>>> hope I have not been able to introduce any mistake on the TCS coding
>>>> :-)
>>>> · The same Eclipse configuration works fine for the SPL language. I
>>>> have been able to run both the injector and the extractor for this
>>>> language
>>>> Thanks on advance for any help regarding this matter.
>>>> Juancho
>>>> Jose E. Rivera escribió:
>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>> I have download the TCSSample (AddressBook) with the TCSToolkit and
>>>>> it works find :) Then, i have replaced the AddressBook example with
>>>>> my own TCS file and metamodel (in KM3 and Ecore) and i get in
>>>>> SampleDSL_InjectorCreation.xml the following error:
>>>>> "Unable to determine generatted class" while jar generation.
>>>>> What kind of error could have caused this problem?
>>>>> (I attach both TCS file and error report)
>>>>> Thank you very much,
>>>>> Jose E. Rivera
>>>>> ....
>>>>> JARGeneration:
>>>>> C:\...SampleDSL_InjectorCreation.xml:5: The following error
>>>>> occurred while executing this line:
>>>>> C:\...TCS2JAR\build.xml:23: The following error occurred while
>>>>> executing this line:
>>>>> C:\...\TCS2JAR\build.xml:120: Unable to determine generated class
>>>>> ....
Re: [TCS] "Unable to determine generatted class" error [message #608164 is a reply to message #380152] Wed, 17 October 2007 17:48 Go to previous message
Eclipse UserFriend
Originally posted by:

Hi all again,

I have been trying with new versions, but i didn't succeed :(

I have tried with the last ATL Bundle
( and also with the
configuration: Eclipse 3.3.1, EMF 2.3.1 and ATL version from CVS.
I have followed all the steps mentioned in the Language project website
( but I got the same error
in both configuration:

Problem: failed to create task or type

I know there's nothing to do with my example, and that it's about ant
tasks. But I have copied the libs that Amma Scripts need, I have
included them in the classpath, i have even copied them in tha
ants/lib...I have also copied ant-contrib... But it doesn't work, it
fails while building the project.

Do I need another plug-in / library? (I have of course imported AMMACore
and AMMAScripst)

Thank you very much,
Jose E. Rivera

Error report: (while building)

C:\...\AMMAScripts\build.dsl.xml:56: The following error occurred while
executing this line:
C:\...\AMMAScripts\build.dsl.xml:83: The following error occurred while
executing this line:
C:\...\AMMAScripts\build.syntax.xml:81: The following error occurred
while executing this line:
C:\...\AMMAScripts\build.syntax.xml:198: Problem: failed to create task
or type antlib:org/apache/tools/ant/antlr:antlr3

Juan M. Vara escribió:
> Hi again Jose
> As I told you before I had the same problem.
> With the new version it seems to be solved.
> BTW Freddy has just updated the wiki on how to create and launch
> projects with the new version.
> Hope this helps.
> Juancho
> Jose E. Rivera escribió:
>> Hi all,
>> thank you very much. I'm trying also with the new version
>> ( If I find a solution I
>> wil tell you about.
>> With the new version, apart from the Language Builder, do I need
>> SampleDSL_InjectorCreation.xml as in the sample project of the
>> AdressBook?
>> Thank you in advance,
>> Jose E. Rivera
>> Juan M. Vara escribió:
>>> Hi again Quentin
>>> Just to prevent you :-)
>>> Freddy told me it could be some problem with the TCS version. So, in
>>> the meantime I'm trying with the lates one to check if the problem
>>> was there.
>>> I'll tell you about the result.
>>> Thanks again
>>> Juancho
>>> Quentin Glineur escribió:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> It is likely that the ANTLR grammar is generated broken.
>>>> Could you check or post it ?
>>>> Quentin GLINEUR
>>>> Juan M. Vara a écrit :
>>>>> Hi Jose
>>>>> I'm facing the very same error in a much more simpler situation.
>>>>> I'm just trying to make some tests with the KM3 concrete syntax.
>>>>> Did you manage to find the problem??
>>>>> I'll try to give more details:
>>>>> · BTW I'm using the KM3.km3 and KM3.tcs files from the ZOO, so I
>>>>> hope I have not been able to introduce any mistake on the TCS
>>>>> coding :-)
>>>>> · The same Eclipse configuration works fine for the SPL language. I
>>>>> have been able to run both the injector and the extractor for this
>>>>> language
>>>>> Thanks on advance for any help regarding this matter.
>>>>> Juancho
>>>>> Jose E. Rivera escribió:
>>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>>> I have download the TCSSample (AddressBook) with the TCSToolkit
>>>>>> and it works find :) Then, i have replaced the AddressBook example
>>>>>> with my own TCS file and metamodel (in KM3 and Ecore) and i get in
>>>>>> SampleDSL_InjectorCreation.xml the following error:
>>>>>> "Unable to determine generatted class" while jar generation.
>>>>>> What kind of error could have caused this problem?
>>>>>> (I attach both TCS file and error report)
>>>>>> Thank you very much,
>>>>>> Jose E. Rivera
>>>>>> ....
>>>>>> JARGeneration:
>>>>>> C:\...SampleDSL_InjectorCreation.xml:5: The following error
>>>>>> occurred while executing this line:
>>>>>> C:\...TCS2JAR\build.xml:23: The following error occurred while
>>>>>> executing this line:
>>>>>> C:\...\TCS2JAR\build.xml:120: Unable to determine generated class
>>>>>> ....
Re: [TCS] "Unable to determine generatted class" error [message #608166 is a reply to message #380159] Wed, 17 October 2007 22:10 Go to previous message
Freddy Allilaire is currently offline Freddy AllilaireFriend
Messages: 130
Registered: July 2009
Senior Member
Hi Jose,

To use the new version of TCS, you need last versions of ATL & AM3 from CVS.

In your problem, Antlr3 ant task is not found. The problem should come
from the ant builder configuration, more especially from the additional
libs. Could you retry to download them (it seems there was a problem
with these libs on the server)?


Jose E. Rivera a écrit :
> Hi all again,
> I have been trying with new versions, but i didn't succeed :(
> I have tried with the last ATL Bundle
> ( and also with the
> configuration: Eclipse 3.3.1, EMF 2.3.1 and ATL version from CVS.
> I have followed all the steps mentioned in the Language project website
> ( but I got the same error
> in both configuration:
> Problem: failed to create task or type
> antlib:org/apache/tools/ant/antlr:antlr3
> I know there's nothing to do with my example, and that it's about ant
> tasks. But I have copied the libs that Amma Scripts need, I have
> included them in the classpath, i have even copied them in tha
> ants/lib...I have also copied ant-contrib... But it doesn't work, it
> fails while building the project.
> Do I need another plug-in / library? (I have of course imported AMMACore
> and AMMAScripst)
> Thank you very much,
> Jose E. Rivera
> *****************************************
> Error report: (while building)
> C:\...\AMMAScripts\build.dsl.xml:56: The following error occurred while
> executing this line:
> C:\...\AMMAScripts\build.dsl.xml:83: The following error occurred while
> executing this line:
> C:\...\AMMAScripts\build.syntax.xml:81: The following error occurred
> while executing this line:
> C:\...\AMMAScripts\build.syntax.xml:198: Problem: failed to create task
> or type antlib:org/apache/tools/ant/antlr:antlr3
> Juan M. Vara escribió:
>> Hi again Jose
>> As I told you before I had the same problem.
>> With the new version it seems to be solved.
>> BTW Freddy has just updated the wiki on how to create and launch
>> projects with the new version.
>> Hope this helps.
>> Juancho
>> Jose E. Rivera escribió:
>>> Hi all,
>>> thank you very much. I'm trying also with the new version
>>> ( If I find a solution
>>> I wil tell you about.
>>> With the new version, apart from the Language Builder, do I need
>>> SampleDSL_InjectorCreation.xml as in the sample project of the
>>> AdressBook?
>>> Thank you in advance,
>>> Jose E. Rivera
>>> Juan M. Vara escribió:
>>>> Hi again Quentin
>>>> Just to prevent you :-)
>>>> Freddy told me it could be some problem with the TCS version. So, in
>>>> the meantime I'm trying with the lates one to check if the problem
>>>> was there.
>>>> I'll tell you about the result.
>>>> Thanks again
>>>> Juancho
>>>> Quentin Glineur escribió:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> It is likely that the ANTLR grammar is generated broken.
>>>>> Could you check or post it ?
>>>>> Quentin GLINEUR
>>>>> Juan M. Vara a écrit :
>>>>>> Hi Jose
>>>>>> I'm facing the very same error in a much more simpler situation.
>>>>>> I'm just trying to make some tests with the KM3 concrete syntax.
>>>>>> Did you manage to find the problem??
>>>>>> I'll try to give more details:
>>>>>> · BTW I'm using the KM3.km3 and KM3.tcs files from the ZOO, so I
>>>>>> hope I have not been able to introduce any mistake on the TCS
>>>>>> coding :-)
>>>>>> · The same Eclipse configuration works fine for the SPL language.
>>>>>> I have been able to run both the injector and the extractor for
>>>>>> this language
>>>>>> Thanks on advance for any help regarding this matter.
>>>>>> Juancho
>>>>>> Jose E. Rivera escribió:
>>>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>>>> I have download the TCSSample (AddressBook) with the TCSToolkit
>>>>>>> and it works find :) Then, i have replaced the AddressBook
>>>>>>> example with my own TCS file and metamodel (in KM3 and Ecore) and
>>>>>>> i get in SampleDSL_InjectorCreation.xml the following error:
>>>>>>> "Unable to determine generatted class" while jar generation.
>>>>>>> What kind of error could have caused this problem?
>>>>>>> (I attach both TCS file and error report)
>>>>>>> Thank you very much,
>>>>>>> Jose E. Rivera
>>>>>>> ....
>>>>>>> JARGeneration:
>>>>>>> C:\...SampleDSL_InjectorCreation.xml:5: The following error
>>>>>>> occurred while executing this line:
>>>>>>> C:\...TCS2JAR\build.xml:23: The following error occurred while
>>>>>>> executing this line:
>>>>>>> C:\...\TCS2JAR\build.xml:120: Unable to determine generated class
>>>>>>> ....
Re: [TCS] "Unable to determine generatted class" error [message #608168 is a reply to message #380164] Thu, 18 October 2007 09:08 Go to previous message
Eclipse UserFriend
Originally posted by:

Hi Freddy,

Thank you very much, now it works (after downloading them again). Now I
only have errors from my own TCS specification :)

Thank you again,
Jose E. Rivera

Freddy Allilaire escribió:
> Hi Jose,
> To use the new version of TCS, you need last versions of ATL & AM3 from
> CVS.
> In your problem, Antlr3 ant task is not found. The problem should come
> from the ant builder configuration, more especially from the additional
> libs. Could you retry to download them (it seems there was a problem
> with these libs on the server)?
> Regards,
> Freddy.
> Jose E. Rivera a écrit :
>> Hi all again,
>> I have been trying with new versions, but i didn't succeed :(
>> I have tried with the last ATL Bundle
>> ( and also with the
>> configuration: Eclipse 3.3.1, EMF 2.3.1 and ATL version from CVS.
>> I have followed all the steps mentioned in the Language project
>> website ( but I got the
>> same error in both configuration:
>> Problem: failed to create task or type
>> antlib:org/apache/tools/ant/antlr:antlr3
>> I know there's nothing to do with my example, and that it's about ant
>> tasks. But I have copied the libs that Amma Scripts need, I have
>> included them in the classpath, i have even copied them in tha
>> ants/lib...I have also copied ant-contrib... But it doesn't work, it
>> fails while building the project.
>> Do I need another plug-in / library? (I have of course imported
>> AMMACore and AMMAScripst)
>> Thank you very much,
>> Jose E. Rivera
>> *****************************************
>> Error report: (while building)
>> C:\...\AMMAScripts\build.dsl.xml:56: The following error occurred
>> while executing this line:
>> C:\...\AMMAScripts\build.dsl.xml:83: The following error occurred
>> while executing this line:
>> C:\...\AMMAScripts\build.syntax.xml:81: The following error occurred
>> while executing this line:
>> C:\...\AMMAScripts\build.syntax.xml:198: Problem: failed to create
>> task or type antlib:org/apache/tools/ant/antlr:antlr3
>> Juan M. Vara escribió:
>>> Hi again Jose
>>> As I told you before I had the same problem.
>>> With the new version it seems to be solved.
>>> BTW Freddy has just updated the wiki on how to create and launch
>>> projects with the new version.
>>> Hope this helps.
>>> Juancho
>>> Jose E. Rivera escribió:
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> thank you very much. I'm trying also with the new version
>>>> ( If I find a solution
>>>> I wil tell you about.
>>>> With the new version, apart from the Language Builder, do I need
>>>> SampleDSL_InjectorCreation.xml as in the sample project of the
>>>> AdressBook?
>>>> Thank you in advance,
>>>> Jose E. Rivera
>>>> Juan M. Vara escribió:
>>>>> Hi again Quentin
>>>>> Just to prevent you :-)
>>>>> Freddy told me it could be some problem with the TCS version. So,
>>>>> in the meantime I'm trying with the lates one to check if the
>>>>> problem was there.
>>>>> I'll tell you about the result.
>>>>> Thanks again
>>>>> Juancho
>>>>> Quentin Glineur escribió:
>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>> It is likely that the ANTLR grammar is generated broken.
>>>>>> Could you check or post it ?
>>>>>> Quentin GLINEUR
>>>>>> Juan M. Vara a écrit :
>>>>>>> Hi Jose
>>>>>>> I'm facing the very same error in a much more simpler situation.
>>>>>>> I'm just trying to make some tests with the KM3 concrete syntax.
>>>>>>> Did you manage to find the problem??
>>>>>>> I'll try to give more details:
>>>>>>> · BTW I'm using the KM3.km3 and KM3.tcs files from the ZOO, so I
>>>>>>> hope I have not been able to introduce any mistake on the TCS
>>>>>>> coding :-)
>>>>>>> · The same Eclipse configuration works fine for the SPL language.
>>>>>>> I have been able to run both the injector and the extractor for
>>>>>>> this language
>>>>>>> Thanks on advance for any help regarding this matter.
>>>>>>> Juancho
>>>>>>> Jose E. Rivera escribió:
>>>>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>>>>> I have download the TCSSample (AddressBook) with the TCSToolkit
>>>>>>>> and it works find :) Then, i have replaced the AddressBook
>>>>>>>> example with my own TCS file and metamodel (in KM3 and Ecore)
>>>>>>>> and i get in SampleDSL_InjectorCreation.xml the following error:
>>>>>>>> "Unable to determine generatted class" while jar generation.
>>>>>>>> What kind of error could have caused this problem?
>>>>>>>> (I attach both TCS file and error report)
>>>>>>>> Thank you very much,
>>>>>>>> Jose E. Rivera
>>>>>>>> ....
>>>>>>>> JARGeneration:
>>>>>>>> C:\...SampleDSL_InjectorCreation.xml:5: The following error
>>>>>>>> occurred while executing this line:
>>>>>>>> C:\...TCS2JAR\build.xml:23: The following error occurred while
>>>>>>>> executing this line:
>>>>>>>> C:\...\TCS2JAR\build.xml:120: Unable to determine generated class
>>>>>>>> ....
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