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Home » Eclipse Projects » Eclipse Scout » How can i integrate jasper reports on scout?
icon3.gif  How can i integrate jasper reports on scout? [message #1755991] Thu, 09 March 2017 19:51 Go to next message
Eclipse UserFriend
Hi everyone,
I am a newcomer here and i'm looking for a tutorial of how to integrate jasper reports in scout.
I use the eclipse neon and i don't have the "scout explorer view" only the "project explorer"
the integration tutorial:
show how to do it but using "scout explorer view" so i am a little lost, someone knows how to do it on eclipse neon on "project explorer" ?

Re: How can i integrate jasper reports on scout? [message #1758013 is a reply to message #1755991] Wed, 22 March 2017 18:25 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Eclipse UserFriend
Jasper integration:
The integration is basically the same as in any other java/maven environment (lots of tuturials around).

  1. pom dependencies
    Add the following dependencies to your project. Usually in the server parts pom file.
    					<!-- <version>1.0-2</version> -->

  2. Report definition
    Create a report definition (*.jrxml) e.g. using the report designer and put it into the <your module>/src/main/resources/jasper.
  3. Create the report
    Could look like:
        InputStream billStream = getClass().getResourceAsStream("/jasper/bill.jrxml");
        try {
          JasperReport jasperBillReport = JasperCompileManager.compileReport(billStream);
          Map<String, Object> parameters = new HashMap<>();
    	  // put parameters here
          JRBeanCollectionDataSource connection = new JRBeanCollectionDataSource(CollectionUtility.arrayList(yourBean));
          JasperPrint print = JasperFillManager.fillReport(jasperBillReport, parameters, connection);
          return JasperExportManager.exportReportToPdf(print);
        catch (JRException e) {
          throw BEANS.get(PlatformExceptionTranslator.class).translate(e);

A sample implementation is available under Github Docbox.

Re: How can i integrate jasper reports on scout? [message #1758897 is a reply to message #1758013] Tue, 04 April 2017 09:55 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Eclipse UserFriend
Hi Andreas,
in your example you create a Jasper Reports in PDF
return JasperExportManager.exportReportToPdf(print);

Is it possible generate a word document? If so, how?

You have examples or suggestions on how to proceed

Re: How can i integrate jasper reports on scout? [message #1759956 is a reply to message #1758897] Thu, 20 April 2017 13:21 Go to previous message
Eclipse UserFriend
Hello Andreas,
Thank you for the helpful tips including the sample implementation.
I changed many things in my implementation but i successfully generated a jasper report and save it on database using a bytea field on postgres, i am having only a problem to retreive it and show on the browser

this the File field on my TablePage that i am using to retreive the content(pdf file)
public class FileColumn extends AbstractColumn<byte[]> {
			protected String getConfiguredHeaderText() {
				return TEXTS.get("File");
			protected boolean getConfiguredHtmlEnabled() {
				return true;

			protected int getConfiguredWidth() {
				return 100;

			protected boolean getConfiguredVisible() {
				return true;

		      protected void execDecorateCell(Cell cell, ITableRow row) {
		        StringBuilder linkBuilder = new StringBuilder();
		        linkBuilder.append(getFileColumn ().getValue(row));
		        String encodedHtml =, TEXTS.get("Open")).addAttribute("target", "_blank").toHtml();

Any ideia of how can i do it?

Thank you, Marco.

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