I am trying to view existing content on my server through orion web ui, I followed instructions at https://wiki.eclipse.org/Orion/How_Tos/Install_Orion_on_Localhost#Linking_to_existing_content i.e. in my orion.conf I set
but i got following error
2014-10-28 13:37:22.841 [Worker-0] ERROR org.eclipse.orion.server.config - Meta File Error, root contains invalid metadata: file /home/auniyal/software/serverworkspace/orion.conf archived to /home/auniyal/software/serverworkspace/.archive/orion.conf
Looks like I can only set workspace, where orion can create file but no file could already exist?
and using -data flag was disatrous, as it moved all my files and folder to archive
orion -data /home/auniyal
2014-10-28 13:46:35.609 [Worker-0] ERROR org.eclipse.orion.server.config - Meta File Error, root contains invalid metadata: folder /home/auniyal/noip_images2 archived to /home/auniyal/.archive/noip_images2