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Home » Modeling » M2T (model-to-text transformation) » [Xpand/MWE] Scoping of global variables and element properties(Upgrading Xpand and MWE has changed the behaviour of my transformation)
[Xpand/MWE] Scoping of global variables and element properties [message #1219705] Thu, 05 December 2013 13:41
Peter Keller is currently offline Peter KellerFriend
Messages: 14
Registered: October 2009
Junior Member
Dear all,

I am biting the bullet and trying to migrate a transformation/generation project from Indigo to Kepler. I have a workflow that first transforms a model like this:

    <component class="org.eclipse.xtend.XtendComponent">
       <invoke value="uml2xsd::root( ${modelSlot} )"/>
       <outputSlot value="xmlSchema"/>

I then run some Xpand generators that use both the original model and the generated one, like this:
    <component class="org.eclipse.xpand2.Generator">
      <globalVarDef name="schemaDocs" value="xmlSchema"/>
      <expand value="pythonHelper::pythonGenerator('${srcGen}') FOR ${modelSlot}"/>

In the first transformation, I use storeGlobalVar and setProperty from org::eclipse::xtend::util::stdlib::globalvar and org::eclipse::xtend::util::stdlib::elementprops respectively, and access the values from the subsequent Xpand components. Under Indigo this works fine, but I find that with Kepler the values are lost and getGlobalVar and getProperty just return nulls. Is this change of behaviour intentional, or do I need to do something specific to enable these variables and properties to persist between workflow components?

In my case I can work around the loss of the global variable trivially, but losing the element properties is a real nuisance. The versions that I am using are:

Indigo: MWE, Xpand and Xtend versions 1.2.1
Kepler: MWE version 1.3.1 (installed from the "EMFT MWE-2.4.1" package; Xpand and Xtend versions 1.4.0

Thanks for any hints,
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