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Home » Archived » Buckminster » sourceLevel=DESIRE doesn't fetch component when already present in target platform
sourceLevel=DESIRE doesn't fetch component when already present in target platform [message #987958] Wed, 28 November 2012 17:19
Eclipse UserFriend

I have a parameterized build in which I have a base feature in the
target platform, but based on certain parameters I want to replace it
with a newer version from the source (the parameter is used to find an
alternative location of the source project in source control).

In my cquery I have the following advisor node:

<cq:advisorNode namePattern="^foo$" componentType="eclipse.feature"

However, with this I still end up with the version from my target
platform. If I specify sourceLevel="REQUIRE", then I do end up with the
right version (from source control). However, I want to keep the build
generic and work whether or not there is an alternative in source
control (there may or may not be).

Is this by design? I would think that sourceLevel="DESIRE" should cause
the resolver to first materialize the component, and if unable to find a
source project, fall back to target platform. It already attempts to do
that with REQUIRE but I need it it to not fail if not found.


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