I'm having a problem getting the a mobile widget working. When trying to open the rui widget I get the following error:
Internal Error
No more handles [Safari must be installed to use a SWT.WEBKIT-style Browser]
The following is the code created when adding the rui widget:
package com.busapp.mobile.client;
// RUI Handler
import org.eclipse.edt.rui.widgets.GridLayout;
handler TestMobile type RUIhandler{initialUI =[ui
], onConstructionFunction = start, cssFile = "css/TestMobile.css", title = "TestMobile"}
ui GridLayout{columns = 3, rows = 4, cellPadding = 4, children =[]};
function start()
I have installed the latest version of EDT EGL and Safari, added the Safari directory to the system path (environment variables);
I've uploaded a file of a couple of print screens showing the status of my software.
Any help would be appreciated.