I have started to work with Eclipse and I'm still a beginner. So I want to get some help from here.
I use Xtext to read my DSL. And then I want to show the instance with a diagram, which I have already defined with GMF. But the ecore(MFilesystem) in Xtext and the ecore(Filesystem) in GMF are different. So I use the Xtend to change the model and create an EObject(Filesystem). But i don't know, how the GMF use the resource from Xtent to create a diagram. I show my problem here:
1. I have defined the ecore in xtext(Grammmar)
grammar org.xtext.Filesystem with org.eclipse.xtext.common.Terminals
generate filesystem "http://www.xtext.org/Filesystem"
(mfiles+=MFile | mfolder+=MFolder)* ;
'myfile' name=ID ';'
'myfolder' name = ID ';'
2. I have defined the ecore in GMF
3. I try to run the runtime for Xtext
and create the diagramm from my DSL file (test.filesystem).
4. Then I have this problem
5. So I try to use Xtend to change my model in Xtext
package org.xtext.generator
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.Resource
import org.eclipse.xtext.generator.IFileSystemAccess
import org.eclipse.xtext.generator.IGenerator
import org.gmf.filesystem.filesystem.Filesystem
import org.gmf.filesystem.filesystem.FilesystemFactory
import org.gmf.filesystem.filesystem.impl.FilesystemFactoryImpl
import org.xtext.filesystem.MFile
import org.xtext.filesystem.MFolder
class FilesystemGenerator implements IGenerator {
Filesystem myfilesystem
FilesystemFactory myfilesystemFactory
override void doGenerate(Resource resource, IFileSystemAccess fsa) {
//TODO implement me
val ast = resource.contents.get(0)
myfilesystemFactory = new FilesystemFactoryImpl()
myfilesystem = myfilesystemFactory.createFilesystem()
val fi = myfilesystemFactory.createFile()
var astFi = (ast.eContents.get(0)) as MFile
fi.name = astFi.name
val fo = myfilesystemFactory.createFolder()
var astFo = (ast.eContents.get(1)) as MFolder
fo.name = astFo.name
6. But it does not work. I think, I have done something wrong. So I want to know, how I can do so that the GMF uses to create a diagram.
[Updated on: Sat, 13 October 2012 19:31]
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