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[CentOS/Tomcat] Birt Viewer JDBC configured in XML [message #903357] Thu, 23 August 2012 09:51 Go to next message
Benoit LIETAER is currently offline Benoit LIETAERFriend
Messages: 2
Registered: August 2012
Junior Member
Dear Support,

Found many nice cookbook in order to get the Birt Viewer Working in Tomcat/Linux.
And,true, quickly enough, I could get the BirtViewer example displayed in a browser on port 8080.

The issue is when I take a *.rptdesign created from Eclispe (Windows, Linux,...) and try to have it properly displayed in Tomcat. I got, of course, the JDBC error.

The report should connect to the PostgreSQL DB on another machine, using a correct JDBC (Eclipse/Birt does it perfectly)<property name="URL">jdbc:postgresql://my_server:54322/my_db</property>

Thus Questions:

a.) Using the 3.7.2, I _do_ know the jdbc *jar should all go in WEB-INF/lib/ [and not in WEB-INF/plugin/... anymore], but it does not help. What exactly should be installed ? I have a dozen *jar from PostgreSQL web site in there...

b.) I am not sure where/how I should update the XML in order to call the correct JDBC and have it all working.
Not using any data-profile, I try hacking directly into the <oda-data-source>...but what/where?
<property name="driverClass">
<property name="jarList">p

Thank you for your support on this.
Re: [CentOS/Tomcat] Birt Viewer JDBC configured in XML [message #903437 is a reply to message #903357] Thu, 23 August 2012 15:51 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Jason Weathersby is currently offline Jason WeathersbyFriend
Messages: 9167
Registered: July 2009
Senior Member

I believe the postgres driver is only one jar. If your report is
working in the designer you can open the data source in the datasource
editor and click on the manage drivers button and look for the specific
postgres jdbc driver jar that you are using. This jar needs to be
copied to the web-inf/lib of the deployed viewer.


On 8/23/2012 5:51 AM, Benoit LIETAER wrote:
> Dear Support,
> Found many nice cookbook in order to get the Birt Viewer Working in
> Tomcat/Linux.
> And,true, quickly enough, I could get the BirtViewer example displayed
> in a browser on port 8080.
> The issue is when I take a *.rptdesign created from Eclispe (Windows,
> Linux,...) and try to have it properly displayed in Tomcat. I got, of
> course, the JDBC error.
> The report should connect to the PostgreSQL DB on another machine, using
> a correct JDBC (Eclipse/Birt does it perfectly)<property
> name="URL">jdbc:postgresql://my_server:54322/my_db</property>
> Thus Questions:
> a.) Using the 3.7.2, I _do_ know the jdbc *jar should all go in
> WEB-INF/lib/ [and not in WEB-INF/plugin/... anymore], but it does not
> help. What exactly should be installed ? I have a dozen *jar from
> PostgreSQL web site in there...
> b.) I am not sure where/how I should update the XML in order to call the
> correct JDBC and have it all working.
> Not using any data-profile, I try hacking directly into the
> <oda-data-source>...but what/where?
> <property name="driverClass">
> <property name="jarList">p
> Thank you for your support on this.
Re: [CentOS/Tomcat] Birt Viewer JDBC configured in XML [message #904911 is a reply to message #903437] Wed, 29 August 2012 11:18 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Benoit LIETAER is currently offline Benoit LIETAERFriend
Messages: 2
Registered: August 2012
Junior Member

These errors:

The following items have errors:

Data (id = 57):
+ Can not load the report query: 57. Errors occurred when generating the report document for the report element with ID 57. (Element ID:57)

Table (id = 61):
+ Can not load the report query: 61. Errors occurred when generating the report document for the report element with ID 61. (Element ID:61)

And this is the report, done and displayed perfectly in eclipse with the very same JDBC on the very same machine...Why is this giving issue in tomcat ??

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<report xmlns="" version="3.2.23" id="1">
    <property name="createdBy">Eclipse BIRT Designer Version 4.2.0.v20120611 Build &lt;4.2.0.v20120613-1143></property>
    <list-property name="propertyBindings">
            <property name="name">queryText</property>
            <property name="id">40</property>
    <property name="units">in</property>
    <property name="iconFile">/templates/chart_listing.gif</property>
    <property name="cheatSheet"></property>
    <property name="bidiLayoutOrientation">ltr</property>
    <property name="imageDPI">96</property>
        <oda-data-source extensionID="" name="Data Source" id="39">
            <list-property name="privateDriverProperties">
                    <value> JDBC Driver</value>
            <property name="databaseName">tmon</property>
            <property name="username">tmon</property>
            <encrypted-property name="password" encryptionID="base64">dG1vbjAx</encrypted-property>
            <property name="URL">jdbc:postgresql://</property>
            <property name="driverClass">org.postgresql.Driver</property>
            <property name="jarList">/var/lib/tomcat6/webapps/birt/WEB-INF/plugins/</property>
        <oda-data-set extensionID="" name="Data Set" id="40">
            <list-property name="columnHints">
                    <property name="columnName">pkid</property>
                    <property name="analysis">measure</property>
                    <text-property name="displayName">Pckt ID</text-property>
                    <text-property name="heading">pkid</text-property>
                    <property name="columnName">pktime</property>
                    <property name="analysis">dimension</property>
                    <text-property name="displayName">TimeStamp</text-property>
                    <text-property name="heading">pktime</text-property>
                    <property name="columnName">pksig</property>
                    <text-property name="displayName">Pckt Sig</text-property>
                    <text-property name="heading">pksig</text-property>
            <list-property name="filter"/>
            <list-property name="parameters"/>
            <structure name="cachedMetaData">
                <list-property name="resultSet">
                        <property name="position">1</property>
                        <property name="name">pkid</property>
                        <property name="dataType">integer</property>
                        <property name="position">2</property>
                        <property name="name">pktime</property>
                        <property name="dataType">date-time</property>
                        <property name="position">3</property>
                        <property name="name">pksig</property>
                        <property name="dataType">blob</property>
            <property name="dataSource">Data Source</property>
            <list-property name="resultSet">
                    <property name="position">1</property>
                    <property name="name">pkid</property>
                    <property name="nativeName">pkid</property>
                    <property name="dataType">integer</property>
                    <property name="nativeDataType">-5</property>
                    <property name="position">2</property>
                    <property name="name">pktime</property>
                    <property name="nativeName">pktime</property>
                    <property name="dataType">date-time</property>
                    <property name="nativeDataType">93</property>
                    <property name="position">3</property>
                    <property name="name">pksig</property>
                    <property name="nativeName">pksig</property>
                    <property name="dataType">blob</property>
                    <property name="nativeDataType">-2</property>
            <xml-property name="queryText"><![CDATA[SELECT "pkid", "pktime", "pksig"
  FROM "public"."packets"
  WHERE "pkid" > 15532361 AND "pkid" < 15532379
            <structure name="designerState">
                <property name="version">1.0</property>
                <property name="stateContentAsString">&lt;?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
&lt;SQLQueryBuilder editorInputType="SQLBuilderStorageEditorInput" name="Data Set" version="1.0">
&lt;SQLStatement>SELECT &amp;quot;pkid&amp;quot;, &amp;quot;pktime&amp;quot;, &amp;quot;pksig&amp;quot;&amp;#x0A;  FROM &amp;quot;public&amp;quot;.&amp;quot;packets&amp;quot;&amp;#x0A;  WHERE &amp;quot;pkid&amp;quot; &amp;gt; 15532361 AND &amp;quot;pkid&amp;quot; &amp;lt; 15532379&amp;#x0A;&lt;/SQLStatement>
&lt;windowState height="627" version="1.0" width="959">
&lt;control height="190" isHideable="true" isVisible="true" name="SQLSourceViewer" width="932"/>
&lt;control height="206" isHideable="true" isVisible="true" name="DesignViewer" width="945"/>
&lt;control height="193" isHideable="true" isVisible="true" name="GraphControl" width="937"/>
&lt;control height="193" isHideable="true" isVisible="false" name="OutlineViewer" width="136"/>
            <xml-property name="designerValues"><![CDATA[<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<model:DesignValues xmlns:design="" xmlns:model="">
  <design:ResultSets derivedMetaData="true">
        <style name="report" id="33">
            <property name="fontFamily">sans-serif</property>
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            <property name="borderBottomWidth">1pt</property>
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            <property name="borderLeftStyle">solid</property>
            <property name="borderLeftWidth">1pt</property>
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            <property name="borderRightStyle">solid</property>
            <property name="borderRightWidth">1pt</property>
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            <property name="borderTopStyle">solid</property>
            <property name="borderTopWidth">1pt</property>
        <style name="crosstab" id="38">
            <property name="borderBottomColor">#CCCCCC</property>
            <property name="borderBottomStyle">solid</property>
            <property name="borderBottomWidth">1pt</property>
            <property name="borderLeftColor">#CCCCCC</property>
            <property name="borderLeftStyle">solid</property>
            <property name="borderLeftWidth">1pt</property>
            <property name="borderRightColor">#CCCCCC</property>
            <property name="borderRightStyle">solid</property>
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            <property name="borderTopWidth">1pt</property>
        <simple-master-page name="Simple MasterPage" id="2">
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                    <text-property name="content"><![CDATA[<value-of>new Date()</value-of>]]></text-property>
        <grid id="4">
            <property name="height">0.322in</property>
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                        <text-property name="text">BLI Test Kourou Packet Table</text-property>
                    <data id="57">
                        <property name="dataSet">Data Set</property>
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                                <property name="name">pkid</property>
                                <text-property name="displayName">Pckt ID</text-property>
                                <expression name="expression" type="javascript">dataSetRow["pkid"]</expression>
                                <property name="dataType">integer</property>
                        <property name="resultSetColumn">pkid</property>
        <table id="61">
            <property name="dataSet">Data Set</property>
            <list-property name="boundDataColumns">
                    <property name="name">pkid</property>
                    <text-property name="displayName">Pckt ID</text-property>
                    <expression name="expression" type="javascript">dataSetRow["pkid"]</expression>
                    <property name="dataType">integer</property>
                    <property name="name">pktime</property>
                    <text-property name="displayName">TimeStamp</text-property>
                    <expression name="expression" type="javascript">dataSetRow["pktime"]</expression>
                    <property name="dataType">date-time</property>
                    <property name="name">pksig</property>
                    <text-property name="displayName">Pckt Sig</text-property>
                    <expression name="expression" type="javascript">dataSetRow["pksig"]</expression>
                    <property name="dataType">blob</property>
            <column id="74"/>
            <column id="75"/>
            <column id="76"/>
                <row id="62">
                    <cell id="63">
                        <label id="77">
                            <text-property name="text">Pckt ID</text-property>
                    <cell id="64">
                        <label id="79">
                            <text-property name="text">TimeStamp</text-property>
                    <cell id="65">
                        <label id="81">
                            <text-property name="text">Pckt Sig</text-property>
                <row id="66">
                    <cell id="67">
                        <data id="78">
                            <property name="resultSetColumn">pkid</property>
                    <cell id="68">
                        <data id="80">
                            <property name="resultSetColumn">pktime</property>
                    <cell id="69">
                        <data id="82">
                            <property name="resultSetColumn">pksig</property>
                <row id="70">
                    <cell id="71"/>
                    <cell id="72"/>
                    <cell id="73"/>

Re: [CentOS/Tomcat] Birt Viewer JDBC configured in XML [message #905068 is a reply to message #904911] Wed, 29 August 2012 16:15 Go to previous message
Jason Weathersby is currently offline Jason WeathersbyFriend
Messages: 9167
Registered: July 2009
Senior Member

A couple of things. First in the jarlist for the data source you are
pointing to
Do you have the 4.2 viewer deployed or the the 3.7.2 viewer deployed.
If you used the manage drivers button in the data source editor to add
the postgresql-8.3-607.jdbc4.jar to the design environment you should
not have to add this jar to the jar list.

Edit the data source and select connection profile. You can set the
location of the connection profile store to either absolute or relative.
Using relative is when you want to store the connection profiles in
the resource folder. Try setting this value and verify that the
connection profile is located in the proper location.

In order to use connection profiles you need to set a location for the
DTP workspace:
Make sure you have something like the following in your

mkdir -p $org_eclipse_datatools_workspacepath


If you do not want to use connection profiles, just define a data source
using the standard JDBC Datasource and do not choose the radial for a
connection profile. Do not choose the JDBC Database Connection for
Query Builder, because this will create a connection profile.
If you do this you do not need the dtp workspace settings. All you need
is the postgres driver in the WEB-INF/lib of the deployed viewer. The
same driver will need to be in your design environment using the manage
drivers button on the new data source.


On 8/29/2012 7:18 AM, Benoit LIETAER wrote:
> These errors:
> Quote:
>> The following items have errors:
>> Data (id = 57):
>> + Can not load the report query: 57. Errors occurred when generating
>> the report document for the report element with ID 57. (Element ID:57)
>> Table (id = 61):
>> + Can not load the report query: 61. Errors occurred when generating
>> the report document for the report element with ID 61. (Element ID:61)
> And this is the report, done and displayed perfectly in eclipse with the
> very same JDBC on the very same machine...Why is this giving issue in
> tomcat ??
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
> <report xmlns="" version="3.2.23"
> id="1">
> <property name="createdBy">Eclipse BIRT Designer Version
> 4.2.0.v20120611 Build <4.2.0.v20120613-1143></property>
> <list-property name="propertyBindings">
> <structure>
> <property name="name">queryText</property>
> <property name="id">40</property>
> </structure>
> </list-property>
> <property name="units">in</property>
> <property name="iconFile">/templates/chart_listing.gif</property>
> <property
> name="cheatSheet"></property>
> <property name="bidiLayoutOrientation">ltr</property>
> <property name="imageDPI">96</property>
> <data-sources>
> <oda-data-source
> extensionID="" name="Data
> Source" id="39">
> <list-property name="privateDriverProperties">
> <ex-property>
> <name>org.eclipse.datatools.connectivity.db.connectionProperties</name>
> </ex-property>
> <ex-property>
> <name></name>
> <value>org.eclipse.datatools.enablement.postgresql.connectionProfile</value>
> </ex-property>
> <ex-property>
> <name>org.eclipse.datatools.connectivity.db.savePWD</name>
> <value>true</value>
> </ex-property>
> <ex-property>
> <name>org.eclipse.datatools.connectivity.drivers.defnType</name>
> <value>org.eclipse.datatools.enablement.postgresql.postgresqlDriverTemplate</value>
> </ex-property>
> <ex-property>
> <name>org.eclipse.datatools.connectivity.driverDefinitionID</name>
> <value>
> JDBC Driver</value>
> </ex-property>
> <ex-property>
> <name>org.eclipse.datatools.connectivity.db.version</name>
> <value>8.x</value>
> </ex-property>
> <ex-property>
> <name>org.eclipse.datatools.connectivity.db.vendor</name>
> <value>postgres</value>
> </ex-property>
> </list-property>
> <property name="databaseName">tmon</property>
> <property name="username">tmon</property>
> <encrypted-property name="password"
> encryptionID="base64">dG1vbjAx</encrypted-property>
> <property
> name="URL">jdbc:postgresql://</property>
> <property name="driverClass">org.postgresql.Driver</property>
> <property
> name="jarList">/var/lib/tomcat6/webapps/birt/WEB-INF/plugins/</property>
> </oda-data-source>
> </data-sources>
> <data-sets>
> <oda-data-set
> extensionID=""
> name="Data Set" id="40">
> <list-property name="columnHints">
> <structure>
> <property name="columnName">pkid</property>
> <property name="analysis">measure</property>
> <text-property name="displayName">Pckt
> ID</text-property>
> <text-property name="heading">pkid</text-property>
> </structure>
> <structure>
> <property name="columnName">pktime</property>
> <property name="analysis">dimension</property>
> <text-property
> name="displayName">TimeStamp</text-property>
> <text-property name="heading">pktime</text-property>
> </structure>
> <structure>
> <property name="columnName">pksig</property>
> <text-property name="displayName">Pckt
> Sig</text-property>
> <text-property name="heading">pksig</text-property>
> </structure>
> </list-property>
> <list-property name="filter"/>
> <list-property name="parameters"/>
> <structure name="cachedMetaData">
> <list-property name="resultSet">
> <structure>
> <property name="position">1</property>
> <property name="name">pkid</property>
> <property name="dataType">integer</property>
> </structure>
> <structure>
> <property name="position">2</property>
> <property name="name">pktime</property>
> <property name="dataType">date-time</property>
> </structure>
> <structure>
> <property name="position">3</property>
> <property name="name">pksig</property>
> <property name="dataType">blob</property>
> </structure>
> </list-property>
> </structure>
> <property name="dataSource">Data Source</property>
> <list-property name="resultSet">
> <structure>
> <property name="position">1</property>
> <property name="name">pkid</property>
> <property name="nativeName">pkid</property>
> <property name="dataType">integer</property>
> <property name="nativeDataType">-5</property>
> </structure>
> <structure>
> <property name="position">2</property>
> <property name="name">pktime</property>
> <property name="nativeName">pktime</property>
> <property name="dataType">date-time</property>
> <property name="nativeDataType">93</property>
> </structure>
> <structure>
> <property name="position">3</property>
> <property name="name">pksig</property>
> <property name="nativeName">pksig</property>
> <property name="dataType">blob</property>
> <property name="nativeDataType">-2</property>
> </structure>
> </list-property>
> <xml-property name="queryText"><![CDATA[SELECT "pkid",
> "pktime", "pksig"
> FROM "public"."packets"
> WHERE "pkid" > 15532361 AND "pkid" < 15532379
> ]]></xml-property>
> <structure name="designerState">
> <property name="version">1.0</property>
> <property name="stateContentAsString"><?xml
> version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
> <SQLQueryBuilder editorInputType="SQLBuilderStorageEditorInput"
> name="Data Set" version="1.0">
> <SQLStatement>SELECT &quot;pkid&quot;, &quot;pktime&quot;,
> &quot;pksig&quot;&#x0A; FROM
> &quot;public&quot;.&quot;packets&quot;&#x0A; WHERE &quot;pkid&quot;
> &gt; 15532361 AND &quot;pkid&quot; &lt; 15532379&#x0A;</SQLStatement>
> <connInfo></connInfo>
> <omitSchemaInfo>false:true:</omitSchemaInfo>
> <editorInputUsageOptions>useWindowState=true</editorInputUsageOptions>
> <windowState height="627" version="1.0" width="959">
> <control height="190" isHideable="true" isVisible="true"
> name="SQLSourceViewer" width="932"/>
> <control height="206" isHideable="true" isVisible="true"
> name="DesignViewer" width="945"/>
> <control height="193" isHideable="true" isVisible="true"
> name="GraphControl" width="937"/>
> <control height="193" isHideable="true" isVisible="false"
> name="OutlineViewer" width="136"/>
> </windowState>
> </SQLQueryBuilder></property>
> </structure>
> <xml-property name="designerValues"><![CDATA[<?xml
> version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
> <model:DesignValues
> xmlns:design=""
> xmlns:model="">
> <Version>2.0</Version>
> <design:ResultSets derivedMetaData="true">
> <design:resultSetDefinitions>
> <design:resultSetColumns>
> <design:resultColumnDefinitions>
> <design:attributes>
> <design:identifier>
> <design:name>pkid</design:name>
> <design:position>1</design:position>
> </design:identifier>
> <design:nativeDataTypeCode>-5</design:nativeDataTypeCode>
> <design:precision>19</design:precision>
> <design:scale>0</design:scale>
> <design:nullability>NotNullable</design:nullability>
> <design:uiHints>
> <design:displayName>pkid</design:displayName>
> </design:uiHints>
> </design:attributes>
> <design:usageHints>
> <design:label>pkid</design:label>
> <design:formattingHints>
> <design:displaySize>20</design:displaySize>
> </design:formattingHints>
> </design:usageHints>
> </design:resultColumnDefinitions>
> <design:resultColumnDefinitions>
> <design:attributes>
> <design:identifier>
> <design:name>pktime</design:name>
> <design:position>2</design:position>
> </design:identifier>
> <design:nativeDataTypeCode>93</design:nativeDataTypeCode>
> <design:precision>29</design:precision>
> <design:scale>6</design:scale>
> <design:nullability>Nullable</design:nullability>
> <design:uiHints>
> <design:displayName>pktime</design:displayName>
> </design:uiHints>
> </design:attributes>
> <design:usageHints>
> <design:label>pktime</design:label>
> <design:formattingHints>
> <design:displaySize>29</design:displaySize>
> </design:formattingHints>
> </design:usageHints>
> </design:resultColumnDefinitions>
> <design:resultColumnDefinitions>
> <design:attributes>
> <design:identifier>
> <design:name>pksig</design:name>
> <design:position>3</design:position>
> </design:identifier>
> <design:nativeDataTypeCode>-2</design:nativeDataTypeCode>
> <design:precision>0</design:precision>
> <design:scale>0</design:scale>
> <design:nullability>Nullable</design:nullability>
> <design:uiHints>
> <design:displayName>pksig</design:displayName>
> </design:uiHints>
> </design:attributes>
> <design:usageHints>
> <design:label>pksig</design:label>
> <design:formattingHints>
> <design:displaySize>2147483647</design:displaySize>
> </design:formattingHints>
> </design:usageHints>
> </design:resultColumnDefinitions>
> </design:resultSetColumns>
> <design:criteria>
> <design:rowOrdering/>
> </design:criteria>
> </design:resultSetDefinitions>
> </design:ResultSets>
> </model:DesignValues>]]></xml-property>
> </oda-data-set>
> </data-sets>
> <styles>
> <style name="report" id="33">
> <property name="fontFamily">sans-serif</property>
> <property name="fontSize">10pt</property>
> </style>
> <style name="crosstab-cell" id="37">
> <property name="borderBottomColor">#CCCCCC</property>
> <property name="borderBottomStyle">solid</property>
> <property name="borderBottomWidth">1pt</property>
> <property name="borderLeftColor">#CCCCCC</property>
> <property name="borderLeftStyle">solid</property>
> <property name="borderLeftWidth">1pt</property>
> <property name="borderRightColor">#CCCCCC</property>
> <property name="borderRightStyle">solid</property>
> <property name="borderRightWidth">1pt</property>
> <property name="borderTopColor">#CCCCCC</property>
> <property name="borderTopStyle">solid</property>
> <property name="borderTopWidth">1pt</property>
> </style>
> <style name="crosstab" id="38">
> <property name="borderBottomColor">#CCCCCC</property>
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