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Home » Eclipse Projects » Rich Client Platform (RCP) » Missing constraint in feature-based product(How are plugin dependencies handled in a feature-based product?)
icon5.gif  Missing constraint in feature-based product [message #894764] Tue, 10 July 2012 12:45
Pr0 Clipse is currently offline Pr0 ClipseFriend
Messages: 4
Registered: March 2012
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Hello everbody,

I'm currently trying to convert our plugin-based product into a feature-based one, but I've run into some problems with plugin dependencies. For the sake of illustrating my point, let's just assume the following project structure:

org.eclipse.emf.examples.library (Plugin)
Dependencies: org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xmi
org.eclipse.emf.examples.library.feature (Feature)
Plugins: org.eclipse.emf.examples.library
LibraryProduct: (Product)

Now, when I try to run the product or perform a validation of the product file, I get the following error message:

Missing Constraint: Require-Bundle: org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xmi; bundle-version="2.7.0"

The running platform is set as target platform and contains said plugin. The library would contain compile errors if that was not the case, so it must be something else. org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xmi is also set as dependency in the "Dependencies" tab of the feature.xml (automatically inferred by pressing the "Compute" button).

Does anyone know how dependencies are handled in feature-based products? Because clearly, defining the dependencies in the plugin itself is not sufficient. One solution would be to manually add all dependencies as plugins to the feature, but that seems cumbersome and not at all like the way to go.

Thanks for any help

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