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Home » Archived » M2M (model-to-model transformation) » ATL interacting with Papyrus
ATL interacting with Papyrus [message #866593] Tue, 01 May 2012 00:03
Eclipse UserFriend

Please correct me where I am misunderstanding something:
I am using Papyrus, under the Topcased distribution, that also
comes with ATL.

I have a simple ATL file:
-- @nsURI UML=
module GenerateA2B;
create OUT : MM from IN : MMS;
rule Test1 {
		ma : MMS!AClass (ma.oclIsTypeOf(MMS!AClass))
		ta : MM!Class1 (
		  	name <- + '2'

Description of my elements

MMS: is a simple Papyrus model.uml with a class AClass in a
MM: is a simple Papyrus model.uml in another project.
This model is already created.

In my Run configuration, I have

Source model: defined as my Papyrus model.uml containing
AClass. It conforms to uri:
Target model: defined as the other Papyrus model.uml containing other classes.
It conforms to uri: as well.

The execution of the ATL Configuration returns in the console:
... Cannot find class AClass in reference model MMS

[Q1] - Should I repeat the run configuration elements (MM and MMS
references) in the ATL script with @path ? Why, since they are in the run
configuration file ?

[Q2] - My models are in plain UML. Am I right to refer to
uri: for their metamodels ?

[Q3] - I do not use references to any ecore file. Should I ?

[Q4] - Is there a way to test an ATL without having
org.eclipse.m2m.atl.engine.emfvm.VMException s ?

[Q5] - I would of wish to use the refining mode, but my last experience
made so much damage to my source/target model, that I had to re-insert
my model. In fact the model file (internally) was so damage, that
I had to remove manually the files from the disk. All test to read the
model file, would generate java...Null exceptions. Is there a way to avoid such
a problem, when using refining mode ? Like running in test mode, in read only,
simulating what will be done ?

[Q6] - I do not want to start an opinion thread, but what is are the main
differences between the users using QVT and ATL. Does ATL is the latest
transformation trend or should I switch to QVT, since, from my readings,
it does have more years of living ? Are they serving the same purposes ?

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