I have defined an ATL module that suprisingly produces a new kind of models. In fact after execution I get a model that is not conform to it's metamodel !
My taget metamodel is ComGraph.ecore and this it's Emfatic description:
class ComGraph {
val Element[*] elements;
class Element {
attr String name;
class Node extends Element {
class Link extends Element {
ref Node source;
ref Node target;
My source metamodel is Scenario.ecore:
package Scenario;
import "platform:resource/diagnostic_SGS/metamodel/IFConfiguration.ecore";
class Scenario extends IFConfig.NamedElement{
val IFConfig.Transition[*] firedTransitions;
And it is using a metaclass from the IFConfiguration.ecore :
package IFConfig;
class Transition {
val Action[*] actions;
attr Integer number;
class Action {
attr String kind;
So the following transformation should create a ComGraph model:
-- @path ComGraph=/diagnostic_SGS/metamodel/ComGraph.ecore
-- @path Scenario=/diagnostic_SGS/metamodel/Scenario.ecore
module Scenario2ComGraph;
create OUT : ComGraph from IN : Scenario;
rule Scenario2ComGraph {
sS : Scenario!Scenario
tC : ComGraph!ComGraph (
elements <- sS.firedTransitions
rule Transition2Element {
sT : Scenario!Transition
tC : ComGraph!Element (
name <- sT.actions->first().kind
BUT after the execution I found my self with a surprising model with elements from both target AND SOURCE metamodel:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<comgraph:ComGraph xmi:version="2.0" xmlns:xmi="http://www.omg.org/XMI" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:comgraph="http://irit.fr/comgraph" xmlns:ifconf="http://irit.fr/ifconfiguration">
<elements xsi:type="ifconf:Transition" number="1">
<actions kind="DEBUG" value="402">
<by name="Properties_p0"/>
<actions kind="DEBUG" value="428">
<by name="Properties_p0"/>
As you can see the ComGraph has elements of type Transition wich is not consistent with the ComGraph metamodel.
This my Eclipse configuraiton:
Eclipse Modeling Tools
Version: Helios Service Release 1
Build id: 20100917-0705
ATLAS Transformation Language (ATL)
Version: 3.1.1.v201009141132
Build id: 201009141132
[Updated on: Thu, 20 October 2011 15:49]
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