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Home » Language IDEs » Java Development Tools (JDT) » OSGI bundles resolution problem(OSGI bundles resolution problem)
OSGI bundles resolution problem [message #699564] Thu, 21 July 2011 19:29
Eclipse UserFriend
Hi Friends,

I am having an RCP application developed on EClipse3.5 in which i am facing an error,actually i donot know whether it is an bug in eclipse itself or may be an error in my application.
I have tried everything but not able to figure it out where the problem is.

So here is the description of the problem,
As soon i launch my application using clean console,
The bundles getting up can be shown using "ss" command.
here if you see,the bundles should be in their order
but as my application is having dependency on other application also.
So i want the update configurator plugin should come up as soon as simple.configuration comes up.

Means the level of both the plugins should be 1.
I tried this update configurator to label as startlevel as 1 priority in my configuration and autostart as true.but it is still resolving at level 129.
but if i put update configurator at first place in with startlevel as 1 and autostart as true.

The application start working very fine.

I check this on Eclsipe 3.1,update configurator comes up at level 3 means as soon as "org.eclipse.core.runtime_3.1.1" comes up.

Is there any way to get the same functionality of plugins on EClipse 3.5 or able to resolve this.

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